Summary of Results Spring 2014 EOCT testing results Comparisons to Spring 2013 EOCT testing results Advanced Placement Exam results 5 year comparisons Luella High School Georgia United States
Summary of EOCT Results On 5 of 8 EOCTs, the percentage of students meeting or exceeding the standards increased: American Literature, 9 th Grade Literature, Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry United States History On the other 3 EOCTs, the percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards decreased by 5% or less.
Summary of AP Exam Scores This comparison shows 5 years of Luella, Georgia and National AP scores: the percentage of students who scored a 3 or better on their AP exams. The passing percentage for Luella students Increased by approximately 7% [36.9% to 43.7%] from 2013 to 2014 from its high in 2011 of 48.6%. Luella scores increased more than the increase in passing rates for both Georgia and National scores from 2013 to 2014.