Counseling Office Presents High School 101 Mrs. Jana StitleMr. Ken Harris (330) (330)
Counseling Web Page - Resources Counseling Department
WHY WOULD WE DO THIS? (pros) -Easier transition for Warrior Academy students -Easier transition for transfer students -Eliminates current “coasting” for students who “know” they cannot fail -Credit Recovery can begin sooner (and we can mandate this because there is no cost) -Challenges students to achieve all year long -College Credit Plus says all college classes (even though a semester in length) must account for 1 whole high school credit -More value to a semester exam and final exam (preparing for future education)
Scenario 1 - The Strong Student Physical Science - Old way: New way: 1st 9 wks 20% 2nd 9 wks 20% Sem Exam 10% FINAL GRADE (.5) 3rd 9 wks 20% 4th 9 wks 20% Final Exam 10% FINAL GRADE (.5) ABAAABBB 1st 9 wks 20% 2nd 9 wks 20% Sem Exam 10% Semester Grade (Not final) 3rd 9 wks 20% 4th 9 wks 20% Final Exam 10% FINAL GRADE (1.0) ABAAABBA
Scenario 2: The Struggling Student (Physical Science) Old Way: New Way: 1st 9 wks 20% 2nd 9 wks 20% sem exam 10% sem grade (not final) 3rd 9 wks 20% 4th 9 wks 20% Final exam 10% Final Grade (1.0) CDDDFFFD 1st 9 wks 20% 2nd 9 wks 20% sem exam 10% Final Grade (.5 credits) 3rd 9 wks 20% 4th 9 wks 20% Final exam 10% Final Grade (.5 Credits) CDDDFFFF
PE Waiver (1 each year) *Only applies to current freshmen (class of 2019) and beyond *Must complete 2 full seasons in 2 different school years (not equivalent to PE class) *Must file a PE Waiver BEFORE April 15th of 8th/9th grade year to qualify *Form is on counseling webpage *Career Center (PE requirement) *Still 21 credits to graduate
Testing - OGT/AIR OGT - current juniors and seniors must still pass all 5 parts to graduate. It will be offered in the fall and spring to those students who have not yet passed. AIR - English I (9th), English II (10th), Algebra 1 (9th), Geometry (9th if in honors & 10th), Biology (10th), American History (if in class - grade doesn’t matter), American Government (if in class - grade doesn’t matter) 18 points total - 4 (math), 4 (English Language Arts), 6 Sci/SS combined PARCC - GONE (for now)
Graduation Requirements See link on counseling webpage for details : OGTs, 21 credits.5 health,.5 PE (2 semesters),.5 Financial Literacy, 3 science (physical, life, advanced), 4 math (1 must be algebra 2), 4 English, 3 social studies (1 American history & 1 Government), 1 fine art OR business OR technology OR foreign language : 18 points on combined AIR tests (1-5 per test), 21 credits (see above)
ACT Dates - Sophomore/Junior Register at: Fee Waivers available in counseling office Must have for CCP Handouts available in counseling office Free online prep through YSU - see counselor
CCP Dates and Important *Must meet criteria by April 1st, 2016 for the school year *February ACT is the last ACT that can qualify you *Must fill out an Intent to Participate by April 1st, these can be found on the counseling webpage
Remind 101/Twitter Remind instructions on counseling web page: CLICK HERECLICK HERE Follow us on
Financial Aid Seminars - Senior Parents (juniors welcome) Mr. Frank Scrocco - YSU Financial Aid Office Tuesday, November 24, 6:30 pm High School Cafeteria - must call Mrs. Prox in the main office to sign up, limited seating Mr. Keith Martig - WB liaison for FAFSA Thursday, February 11, 2016 (Time TBA) High School auditorium (conference night)
Questions? Jana Stitle (M-Z, Warrior Academy & CCP) (330) Ken Harris (A-L, Career Center & IEP) (330)