Calliphoridae 2/13/08
Family Calliphoridae Blow flies/bottle flies Genera of greatest forensic importance 1000 described species
Adults 10-12 mm long Usually metallic coloring Bristles on meron Plumose arista 2-3 notopleural bristles
Bristles on Meron
Bristles on Meron
Plumose arista
2-3 notopleural bristles
Eggs Deposited on meat, rotting matter Fecundity: 2000-3000/female over 3 weeks Hatch with in 24-48 hours
Larvae 1st instar Feed near egg mass Move into less putrid material 3 instars 4 - 21 days Dispersal
Pre-Pupae Disperse--15-20 ft 3 days - 2 weeks
Pupae 3-20+ days Coloration changes as pupa ages
Degree Day Threshold Temperature Degree day: Number of degrees above threshold temperature in a given day
Accumulated Degree Hours Each developmental stage has degree hour requirement Rule of thumb: One degree day results when average temperature for the day is 1 degree over threshold minimum (max T + min T/2)-threshold=degree days Calculators
Phormia Regina
Phormia Regina Black Blowfly Throughout US Most abundant in early spring and fall 55-75 F 10-25+ day life cycle Eggs: 12-48 hours (17.4 ADD) Larvae: 4-15 days (122.5 ADD) Pupae: 3-13 days (174 ADD)
Calliphora sp. Blue Bottle Flies Calliphora vomitoria, Calliphora vicina, Callphora livida 6-14 mm Metallic blue, blue-green, purple
Calliphora sp. Blue Bottle Flies Throughout US Mostly in cooler months--45-65 F Shady locations C. vicina--urban areas C. vomitoria--rural areas
Calliphora sp. Blue Bottle Flies Threshold: approx. 27 C 15-36 days C. vicina: ~21 days C. vomitoria ~36 days
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