Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Standards (OCIS) The Albany Marriott Albany, New York December 2, 2010
Update Board Of Regents November December College and Career Readiness Workgroup Reporting of College and Career-Ready High School Graduation Rates Achieve Presentation Survey
English Language Learners Limited English Proficient/English Language Learners Committee of Practitioners (COP’s) Review/Revision of Policy Race to the Top alignment
Standards and Assessments Curriculum Models Status of Request For Information / Request for Proposal Upcoming Requests for Proposal Status on Arts Assessment
Early Learning Status of Race to the Top Hires Deliverables Curriculum Models Assessment Protocol Parent Tool Kit Data Elements Professional Development models
School year Implications Student achievement expectations are based on the 2005 ELA and Mathematics Learning Standards and Core Curricula. Districts begin developing curricula aligned to CCSS (Jan. 2011) with a goal of implementing the new state curricula in Sept Student achievement expectations are based on the 2005 ELA and Mathematics Learning Standards. Districts continue to develop curricula and begin implementing instruction aligned to CCSS. The 3-8 Testing program and Regents examinations in ELA and Mathematics are aligned to the 2005 ELA and Mathematics Learning Standards Student achievement expectations are based on CCSS and state standards as added. CCSS Interim Assessments are administered. Curriculum models will be available for schools. Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) field testing will occur Student achievement expectations are based on CCSS and state standards as added CCSS PARCC assessments are operational.
Literacy Initiative CC/SS English Language Arts: Literacy across the content areas P-12 Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy
Regents’ Task Force on Teacher and Principal Effectiveness Four sub-groups: Non-Tested Subjects Locally Selected Assessments 60% Non-Growth Measures for Teachers 60% Non-Growth Measures for Principals Regents approval of the New York State Teaching Standards has been moved to January pending field input The survey is currently available for comment: This is a cross-office initiative at the department, led by the Office of Higher Education
Technical Assistance Centers Career and Technical Education Technical Assistance Center NY Statewide Literacy Resource Center NYS Mathematics Resource Center Curriculum Resource Centers ELA Mathematics Early Learning Science, Technology and Engineering Social Studies and Economics The Arts Regional Bilingual Education/Resource Network Upcoming
Questions and Answers Jean C. Stevens Associate Commissioner Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Standards Phone:(518) Fax:(518) Website: Office