Stockton Heath Primary School Assessment without levels information for parents Thursday 1 st October 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Stockton Heath Primary School Assessment without levels information for parents Thursday 1 st October 2015

Aims New National Curriculum- September 2014 Expectations of the new curriculum Assessment without levels – understanding why levels have been removed. Reporting to parents at Stockton Heath Primary School. Understanding tests for Y2 and Y6 pupils in What is involved in end of Key Stage assessment?

Removal of levels Levels: 1c 1b 1a 2c 2b 2a 3c 3b 3a 4c 4b 4a 5c 5b 5a 6c Age Related Standards Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 September removal of levels & launch of the new national curriculum with introduction of age – related standards. Transition period- Last academic year Y2 & Y6 remained on levels. Academic year total removal of levels- schools are free to create their own systems for assessment against the new age related standards of the national curriculum. Pupils are expected to work through the year group curriculum and by the end of the school year reach age related standards.

Assessment without levels video

Expert Panel Levels resulted in children labelling themselves. Levels created an ‘undue pace’ focus was on getting children to move quickly through levels, whereas the focus should be on ensuring children have achieved deep understanding- longer, stronger focus on key content. Best-fit matching was flawed and so pupils moved on inappropriately or thresholds meant a child might only just be inside a level. Levels can convey the wrong idea of ability, need to switch to a different conception of ability. The core principles shared by the Expert Panel was namely: ‘Fewer things in greater depth’, rather than moving through the levels at pace being a reflection of good teaching and learning. Tim Oates who led the expert panel drew the following conclusions:

National Curriculum at Stockton Heath Primary School Significant amount of time researching different models for assessment. Visiting other schools to look at other models. Y1, Y3, Y4 & Y5 pupils last year all taught against the new national curriculum. Y2 & Y6 last year – old curriculum. Summer term 2015 beginning to trial preferred models of assessment for Reading, Writing and Maths.

The new national curriculum- what has changed? Lots of changes- new national curriculum is more prescriptive in English and Maths and less prescriptive in foundation subjects. The expectations are much higher than ever before, with much of the curriculum being shifted down into lower year groups, particularly in English and Maths. For example some old Y5 expectations can now be found in Y3, some Y7 / 8 in Y5 / 6

New National Curriculum Programmes of Study Mathematics Number- Place value, addition & subtraction, multiplication & division Fractions Measurement Geometry Statistics Ratio & Proportion Algebra

Maths assessment at Stockton Heath Primary School Based on Assertive Mentoring materials. Across school trialled these materials in Summer term. Pupils will be assessed half termly against the age related expectations for their year group. Constantly working on the objectives through class work and homework activities. Pupils will complete an end of half term assessment. Evidence in progression book. Every week will also complete Maths skills assessment.

Example half termly Maths paper Y4 example

Example Maths skills assessment Example of Maths weekly assessment. Pupils to complete twice. Once with support and use of equipment and then the following week without use of equipment and support. Example of Assessment overview completed by teachers for each pupil.

New National Curriculum Programmes of Study Spoken Language Reading- word reading & comprehension Writing- transcription (spelling), handwriting, composition, vocabulary, punctuation & grammar ENGLISH

Main changes to the curriculum: * Continued emphasis on systematic phonics, including a progression in teaching, which is already well established in our school. *At all levels, there is significant emphasis on spelling, punctuation and grammar, as well as vocabulary development. *There is a focus on reading for pleasure with all children encouraged to ‘read widely across both fiction and non-fiction …, to establish an appreciation and love of reading, and to gain knowledge across the curriculum’. This includes the school, setting ‘ambitious expectations for reading at home’. *Spoken language is a huge focus in the English curriculum, with the inclusion of ‘talk for writing’, reciting poetry, debates etc. *There is a single, discrete programme of study for spoken language for Years 1 – 6, which highlights the importance of vocabulary development.

Reading assessment at Stockton Heath Primary School Based on Focus assessment materials Across school trialled these materials in Summer term. Children constantly tracked against age- related expectations in Guided reading sessions in school.

Writing assessment at Stockton Heath Primary School Based on Focus assessment materials Across school trialled these materials in Summer term. Children are tracked continually against the age-related criteria for writing. Moderation activities in school to ensure consistency of judgements.

Reporting to Parents *Teachers will be constantly assessing pupils against the new age related expectations within each year group. Teachers will assess whether pupils are: Working below age related standards. Meeting age related standards. Exceeding age related standards.

It is really important for parents to understand that the expectations of the new Curriculum are much higher at the end of each year group. Pupils being judged on the expectations for the end of Year 5 for example, will still have gaps and may not reach the ‘expected outcomes for their year group’ as they have only completed one year of the new curriculum. There is also a focus on children being able to explore the curriculum in more depth and being able to apply their learning before moving on – the concept of MASTERY. So it is likely that not so many children will be ‘exceeding’ because of these raised expectations.

What information can you expect at parents’ evenings from your child’s class teacher? A summary of your child’s strengths and successes within the curriculum and personally. Formative next steps which are individual to your child in order for them to make progress within the age-related expectation for their year-group as appropriate. An indication of how well your child is progressing, e.g. are they making limited, expected or accelerated progress over time. An indication as to whether your child is working below, in line with or exceeding national expectations.

Assessment in Years 2 & 6

Year 2 & Year 6 New tests launched May Sample papers are available to view online. From 2016 scaled scores will be used to assess pupils attainment in Reading, SPAG & Mathematics. Writing will continue to be teacher assessed however no indication yet as to how this will be moderated across schools using different assessment systems. Scaled score- 100 will always represent the ‘national standard’. However due to the small differences in difficulty between tests, the ‘raw score’ (ie the total number of correct responses) that equates to 100 might be different (though similar) each year. Scaled score in Y2- equivalent to old 2b and in Year 6 will be equivalent to 4b.

At the end of Year 6 pupils will receive the following: a raw score (number of raw marks awarded) a scaled score confirmation of whether or not they attained the national standard In previous Years Level 6 test in place for more able pupils. This has been removed and instead Dfe are developing each test so there is scope for higher attaining pupils to show their strengths within the same paper.

Year 2 All Key Stage 1 national tests will be externally set and marked internally by teachers. The test outcomes will be expressed as scaled scores and will be reported to parents at the end of the Key Stage along with teacher assessments for English, Mathematics and Science. Parents will be informed if their child has met the national standard at the end of Year 2.

Year 2 Reading test: 2 tests in total, each with a recommended duration of approximately 30 minutes (not strictly timed) Paper 1: Combined reading and answer paper, which will be part- read to the children. Paper 2: Completely independent & higher level of challenge. Key elements tested: Comprehension, inference and understanding ‘language for effect.’

Year 2 Grammar, punctuation and spelling test: *Short writing task based on a given prompt, which can be assessed for various features including handwriting. (approximately 20 minutes) *Short answer test focussing on grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. *Spelling test of 20 words.

Year 2 Mathematics: Arithmetic paper which tests calculation skills out of context. (15 marks) Paper 2- which tests fluency, reasoning and problem solving. (35 marks- approximately 35 minutes.) No equipment will be allowed- significant change!

Year 6 Reading test: *Reading test- 1 hour to include reading time. Consist of a selection of fiction, non-fiction and poetry tests, with an accompanying answer booklet. 50 marks available in total.

Year 6 Grammar, punctuation and spelling test: 45 minute test assessing punctuation and grammar (50 marks) Spelling test (20 marks)

Year 6 Mathematics: * Mental Maths test has been replaced by a 30 minute arithmetic test. Consisting mainly of context- free calculations. Will also consist of some 2 mark questions focusing on correct use of formal methods in particular long multiplication and long division. * Additional 2 papers (40 minutes long each and worth 40 marks each) Will test fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

Any Questions?