Jean Davis, Special Projects Coordinator North Carolina Progress Board Jean Davis, Special Projects Coordinator North Carolina Progress Board North Carolina: Now and Next
North Carolina: Connections Health Quality of Life Environment Communities Economy / Income levels Jobs Jobs Education
North Carolina: Now PopulationPopulation Roughly 2/3 of this growth, almost 2 million people, will be the result of net migration into the state if we can retain the quality of life that we like about NC. Roughly 2/3 of this growth, almost 2 million people, will be the result of net migration into the state if we can retain the quality of life that we like about NC.
North Carolina: Now AgeAge Median Age Median Age
North Carolina: Now RaceRace United States 1998 North Carolina 1998
North Carolina: Now EconomyEconomy Per Capita Income Rank 28th in 1998 Rank 31st in 1999 Per Capita Income Rank 28th in 1998 Rank 31st in 1999 Gross State Product (Millions) Rank 12th in 1999 Gross State Product (Millions) Rank 12th in 1999
North Carolina: Now PovertyPoverty Poverty 1998 is a “handicapping condition” for the state.
North Carolina: Now Urban/RuralUrban/Rural 66% of North Carolinians live in Metro areas. The national average is 79%. 66% of North Carolinians live in Metro areas. The national average is 79%.
North Carolina: Two Carolinas Urban Engines and Rural Regions
North Carolina: Urban Engines In migration destination Increase in population Economic growth High wage jobs High cost of living Increased traffic Increased pollution Uncontrolled growth/sprawl Uncontrolled growth/sprawl Greater political power
North Carolina: Rural regions In migration of seniors Decrease in population (rural vs. edge of metro areas) Fewer economic opportunities Rich natural environment Service jobs increase Risk of spending natural capital Loss of ‘bread & butter’ jobs Less representation (politics/media) Lower water aquifers
North Carolina: Next JobsJobs High Tech, High Wage Low Skill, Low Wage
North Carolina: Next JobsJobs EnvironmentEnvironment Air Quality Water Quality/Availability
North Carolina: Next JobsJobs EnvironmentEnvironment GrowthGrowth PlanningPlanningSprawlSprawl TrafficTraffic High Housing Costs Loss of Community Quality of Life
North Carolina: Next Need a long view – consequence of actions today Recognize connections – decisions in a vacuum / silo mentality Recognize connections – decisions in a vacuum / silo mentality Leadership – public and private – proactive not reactive Leadership – public and private – proactive not reactive Active citizens – educated and participating Regionalism – common problems demand common solution and sharing of resources and responsibilities Regionalism – common problems demand common solution and sharing of resources and responsibilities North Carolina 2020 report due June 2001