AP Science Courses Advanced Studies Night February 5, 2015
Contact Information TeacherCoursePhone Extension Melissa SmithAP Biology, Science Dept Chair Jeremy HowardAP Physics David HailesAP Physics Amanda OstroskyAP Environmental Science Webb, ChrisAP Environmental Science Amanda ColavitoAP
Characteristics of Successful AP Science Students High grades in previous science and/or math courses Recommended by science teacher Strong work ethic Motivated Independent learner Able to devote at least one hour/night to studying Able to apply content, not just memorize
AP Biology Prerequisites – Honors Biology, Chemistry (preferably Honors) Exam consists of 55 multiple choice questions, 5 numerical grid-in questions, 2 multi-part free response questions (1 lab-based), and 7 single-part free response questions Curriculum based on 4 “Big Ideas” in biology Course requires 25% laboratory experiences, including 8-12 in-depth, inquiry-based labs
AP Chemistry Prerequisite – Honors Chemistry Higher level math strongly recommended Exam consists of 60 multiple choice and 7 free response questions (3 requiring calculations) Focus on inquiry-based learning of essential concepts: Matter, chemical & physical properties, atomic structure, bonding, chemical reactions, thermodynamics 16 guided-inquiry labs that give students opportunities to explore chemical concepts, answer questions of interest, and learn correct lab techniques and safety procedures
AP Environmental Science Prerequisites – Honors Biology, Chemistry (preferably Honors) AP Exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions and 4 free response questions Takes an interdisciplinary approach to examine different aspects of the environment as well as human impact Includes inquiry-based labs as well as other learning activities to enhance the curriculum
AP Physics 1 “ All science is physics. Everything else is stamp collecting.” --Rutherford Prerequisites – Math III or higher Similar to a 1 st semester algebra-based college physics course Newtonian mechanics (including rotational dynamics and angular momentum); work, energy, and power; and mechanical waves and sound. More than 40 hours of lab work
AP Physics C-Mechanics Prerequisites – Calculus and/or a previous physics course Similar to a 1 st semester calculus-based college physics course Kinematics; Newton’s laws of motion; work, energy, and power; systems of particles and linear momentum; circular motion and rotation; and oscillations and gravitation More than 40 hours of lab work