7Px 11 Pipiri 2013 What we will do What we will learn Preliminaries and roll The importance of starting well See how the kinetic energy of the electrons was found A clever trick can be used to go from the big to the small See how the work function was found for each type of metal What the graphs look like + how Y11 algebra was used to find ϕ Introduce the idea of the “threshold frequency” What the threshold frequency is and how to find it. HRT on Modern Px, Units 4 and 5 How to tackle test-type questions on this topic If time, reintroduce the idea of atomic line spectra Why our rainbows have gaps in them.
No. of marks What for 1 Having sketches and FULL working 1 Neat presentation and down-page format 1 Answer underlined and units given 1 Self marked and all correct – eventually 1 In on time and signed for (“This is my own work”…….) Total A mark out of five that will contribute to the “homework” grade in the reports
HW item Skills practised Motion – Circular Unit 3 pp Due pd 5 Mon 15 Apl 13 Orbital Motion and Gravitation. Motion – Rotational Units 1, 2 and 3 pp Due pd 1 Mon 20 May 13 Angular displacement, velocity and accel’n Torque, angular accel’n and Rotational Inertia Motion – Rotational Units 4, 5 and 6 pp Due pd 1 Tues 28 May 13 Angular Momentum, Rotational Kinetic Energy Motion – SHM Units 1, 2 and 3. pp Due Mon 10 June 13 Oscillatory Motion, SHM, reference circles; y, v and a; phasors Motion – SHM Units 4, 5 and 6. pp Due Tues 18 June 13 Pendula, mass-spring systems, phase difference, damping, energy and resonance