7-2 Correlation Coefficient Objectives Determine and interpret the correlation coefficient.
Correlation Coefficient - Facts Correlation coefficient is always between -1 and +1. –Weak correlation is closer to zero and strong correlation is closer to either -1 or +1. Ex. r = 0.21 or (weak), r = or 0.98(strong). –If correlation is equal to exactly -1 or +1 then the data points all fall on an exact straight line.
r = +.3r = +1 Examples of Approximate r Values y x y x y x y x y x r = -1 r = -.6r = 0
r =1 1. Estimate the correlation coefficient (r-value).
2. Estimate the correlation coefficient (r-value). r =-1
3. Estimate the correlation coefficient (r-value).
r = 0.95
4. Estimate the correlation coefficient (r-value). r =-0.95
5. Estimate the correlation coefficient (r-value).
r = 0.6
6. Estimate the correlation coefficient (r-value). r = -0.6
Correlation Coefficient 7. Estimate the correlation coefficient (r-value). r = 0.9
Correlation Coefficient 7. Estimate the correlation coefficient (r-value).
Correlation Coefficient 8. Estimate the correlation coefficient (r-value).
Correlation Coefficient 8. Estimate the correlation coefficient (r-value). r = 0.4
Correlation Coefficient 9. Estimate the correlation coefficient (r-value).
Correlation Coefficient 9. Estimate the correlation coefficient (r-value). r = 0
10. a)draw a scatter plot of the data b) draw in the best fit line X Y
10. a)draw a scatter plot of the data b) draw in the best fit line X Y
10. c) find the equation of your best fit line Y-intercept Slope
10. d) estimate y when x = About 40
11. Find the correlation Coefficient X Y
Classwork/Homework 7-2 Worksheet