Continuing Catholic Education December 4 th 2011
Genesis – Contd. What we covered so far – Creation – In The Beginning God – Sin – Broken Relationship with God – Marriage – Communion of Person in a covenental relationship with God God’s Chosen People – Adam, Cain, Abel, Seth – Noah, Ark, Flood, Noah’s Children – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
Adam, Cain, Abel and Seth Progression of Sin from Adam to Cain Merciful God looking after Cain God’s call to Adam’s son Seth Chapter 5 giving the Genealogy of Adam to Noah Seed of Woman promised as the Redeemer Adam to New Adam
Noah’s Call Ch 6-8 Noah being called to be in the Ark Noah found favor with the Lord Noah walked with God Noah Obeyed instruction to Build the Ark Ark as a Type of Church, Temple of God Ark as a Type of our own Body – Temple of God Covenant with Noah
Noah to Abraham Chapter 11- Tower of Babel Genealogy of Noah to Abraham God’s selection of Firstborn child Israel as God’s firstborn child God Loved mankind so much to even give his son Jesus for our salvation Abram’s father Terah was on his way to Canaan settled in Ur of Caldeans God calling Abram from Ur
God’s Covenant with Abram God’s Promise to Abram His descendant’s will be like the stars in the sky that Abraham counted Changing the name from Abram to Abraham – Father of Host of Nations Covenant established in Blood God visiting Abraham as three men(Chapter 18) Promise of Isaac
Call of Isaac and Jacob Isaac and Rebecca Esau and Jacob Esau forfeiting birthright for a bowl of stew Giving up god’s blessings for material things Jacobing Esau- God’s plan
Jacob to Joseph Jacob’s Marriage with Leah and Rachel Twelve sons – Israel’s 12 tribes God’s plan to call Joseph Joseph being sold by brother and taken to Egypt God’s plan to bring his people to Egypt to stay there for 400 years as slaves Joseph’s death
Our Call We are Chosen People Church has a call to this world God’s plan is for our salvation At times the plan may play out in strange ways What is our role in this plan What is our response?