AP World History POD #2 Cradle of Civilization The Hebrews
Class Discussion Questions McKay - “The Children of Israel” pp
1. Who were the Hebrews? The Hebrews were the followers of Abraham. They accept the Covenant from Yahweh and become the Jews, God's chosen people and the first monotheistic religion
2. Where did the Hebrews originally settle? The Hebrews originally settled in the Nile River delta to take advantage of the fertile soil and farmland of the region.
3. What was the exodus? According to the Bible the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews. However, one group under the leadership of Moses left Egypt and traveled though the Sinai Peninsula until the arrived in area known as Palestine in the 13th century BC. David defeated the Philistines as established the capital of his kingdom in Jerusalem
4. What was the significance of the Covenant? The Covenant between the Hebrews and Yahweh represents the beginnings of monotheism. The other monotheistic religions of Christianity and Islam can trace there roots through this to Abraham.
5. What social/cultural trait has proven to be a curse for the Jews? Their status as the “chosen people”…due to their lack of a homeland they have developed a culture that promotes academic scholarship and commercial skills as they were portable These skills tended to bring greater financial stability to the Jewish people leading to jealousy and persecution by non-Jews
6. What is anti-Semitism? Persecution of the Jewish people Diaspora of 132 AD, blamed for the Bubonic Plague, murdered for asking for the money they loaned to the Christians during the Crusades, Russian Pogroms, Holocaust
7. What is the importance and significance of the Talmud, Torah, and Bible as a religious and historical document? These documents provide insight into the historical events and circumstances of the Jewish people These books are the earliest recordings of monotheistic teachings and traditions