what makes something happen what happens Cause and Effect with events from “The Story of the Three Whales” Open Court Anthology http://www.opencourtresources.com
Most gray whales swam south to warmer waters, Arctic Ocean EFFECT Most gray whales swam south to warmer waters, when winter came early to the Arctic Ocean in 1988. Pacific Ocean CALIFORNIA CAUSE
Three whales swam into an Alaskan bay, CAUSE Three whales swam into an Alaskan bay, so they got trapped by the ice that formed across the mouth of the bay. EFFECT
The three whales had no where left to surface, EFFECT The three whales had no where left to surface, because the bay was shallow and the top of the water froze quickly. CAUSE
The whales kept ramming the ice with their noses CAUSE The whales kept ramming the ice with their noses until finally the ice cracked and they could surface. EFFECT
The Inuit people accepted the whales dying as natural EFFECT The Inuit people accepted the whales dying as natural because they had seen whales get trapped and die before. CAUSE
A wild life ranger came to help the whales, EFFECT A wild life ranger came to help the whales, because news of the whales ordeal spread by T.V. and newspapers. CAUSE
The wildlife ranger began cutting breathing holes for the whales, CAUSE The wildlife ranger began cutting breathing holes for the whales, so the Inuit helped by using ice poles and chainsaws. EFFECT
A bulldozer tried to break through the ice at the mouth of the bay, CAUSE A bulldozer tried to break through the ice at the mouth of the bay, but the whales wouldn’t go there. EFFECT
The whales would not follow the line of holes EFFECT The whales would not follow the line of holes after a sky-crane helicopter punched the holes in the ice. CAUSE
Since the whales stayed by the shore and would not leave, CAUSE Since the whales stayed by the shore and would not leave, polar bears gathered and waited for them to die. EFFECT
Because they never saw Kannick again, EFFECT Because they never saw Kannick again, something must have happened to the smallest whale. CAUSE
The whales followed the Russian icebreaker to the open water, EFFECT The whales followed the Russian icebreaker to the open water, after it cleared a channel a quarter of a mile wide in the bay. CAUSE
When the two gray whales reached the open water, CAUSE When the two gray whales reached the open water, they swam towards their herd. EFFECT
what makes something happen what happens Cause and Effect We are learning cause and effect so we will be better readers and understand what we are reading!