The Government has changed the law so that from the start of the 2013/14 academic year, all young people are required to continue in education or training until at least their 18 th birthday. Full-time study in a school, college or with a training provider Full-time work or volunteering combined with part-time education or training An Apprenticeship
Post-16 Provider Assemblies Date Sir John Deane’s College9 th September Mid Cheshire College16 th September South Cheshire College23 rd September Reaseheath College30 th September Total People Work-based Training and Development7 th October The Skills Junction14 th October
Careers Fair - Wednesday 2 nd October 6-8pm Careers Adviser – Individual/Group Sessions and Drop-ins throughout the year U-Explore Online Careers Package ECM Day with MPloy ECM Lessons with Form Tutors offering support with Application Forms and Personal Statements
TALK to your parents/carers and teachers about the right path for you Keep your OPTIONS open in your subjects WORK HARD to get the highest grades you can achieve FIND OUT about post-16 provision in your area SPEAK to employers about relevant skills and qualifications VISIT various websites for further information ATTEND Careers Fair and Open/Information Evenings