Oceans of the World Shelby Tutor
Learning objectives o Content area: Social Studies o Grade Level: 3rd o Summary: The purpose of this PowerPoint is to show students the different characteristics of the oceans. o Learning Objective: Given the lesson, the students will learn to identify the differences between the oceans of the world with 100% accuracy. o Content Standard: 3.3.spi.9. recognize the identifying characteristics of certain geographic features (i.e., peninsula, islands, continents, mountains, rivers, deserts, oceans, and forests).
Lets review o There are five oceans on the Earth o Pacific Ocean o Atlantic Ocean o Indian Ocean o Artic Ocean o Southern Ocean Click on an Ocean.
Facts about the Oceans o Pacific Ocean o The worlds LARGEST ocean. It covers 30% of the Earth. o Atlantic Ocean o The worlds second largest ocean o Indian Ocean o Has a large amount of whales o Artic Ocean o The worlds smallest ocean. o Southern Ocean o Stretches all the way around Antarctica.
Which one of the following is not an ocean? o Pacific Pacific o Atlantic Atlantic o Northern Northern o Artic Artic
Correct! There is not a Northern Ocean in the oceans of the world. Click the ocean to continue.
Which ocean is the largest? o Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean o Indian Ocean Indian Ocean o Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean o Artic Ocean Artic Ocean
Correct! The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. It covers more than 30% of the Earth. Click on an ocean to continue.
Conclusion We have now reviewed our Ocean facts. With more review of the Oceans, you will be able to identify facts about the Oceans with no problem. Great Work!
Incorrect! The Indian Ocean is not the worlds largest ocean. Try again!
Incorrect! The Artic Ocean is the Smallest Ocean in the world. Try again!
Incorrect! The Artic Ocean is located around the North Pole. Try again!
Incorrect! The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean in the world. Try again!
Incorrect! The Pacific Ocean is the worlds largest ocean. Try again!
Works Cited ontocintrol.cfm