A significant and historic opportunity for states to collectively develop and adopt a core set of academic standards in Mathematics and English/Language Arts
These Common Core Standards will be a critical first step to bring about real and meaningful transformation of our education system to benefit all students The Common Core Standards help define the knowledge and skills all students need to succeed in college and careers Expectations will be consistent for all students
Provides consistency across states Allows for equal access Prepares students to compete globally Allows for more focused professional development Allows for the development of a common assessment Provides the opportunity to compare and evaluate policies that affect student achievement across states
Students leave high school prepared for postsecondary success in college or a career through increased student learning and improved teaching
Define knowledge and skills students should have within K-12 education careers so that they will graduate high school able to succeed in careers and college. The English language arts and mathematics standards: ◦ Align with college and work expectations; ◦ Are clear, understandable, consistent; ◦ Include rigorous content and application of knowledge; ◦ Build on strengths and lessons of current state standards; and ◦ Prepare all students for success in global economy and society. They do not: ◦ Dictate how teachers teach ◦ Dictate what instructional / curricular materials should be used
7 1.Solve problems 2. Manage oneself 3. Adapt to change 4. Analyze / conceptualize
5. Reflect on / improve performance 6. Communicate 7. Work in teams 8. Create / innovate / critique 9. Engage in learning throughout life
Adopted by the State Board on July 7, 2010 Support the State Board’s 5-Year Plan Support Connecticut’s Secondary School Reform The Core is internationally benchmarked The Core prepare all students to succeed in a global economy
External System Review ◦ Examine the current status of our district to assess our preparation to roll out the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) ◦ Curriculum, instruction and assessment ◦ Leadership – school-based and central office ◦ Professional development ◦ School visits – classroom observations and interviews
Internal and External Stakeholders Norwalk Acts - October 19, 3:00 – 4:15 at Nathan Hale MS
Review background documents Collect data o-site from various stakeholders and focus groups Analyze data Prepare a report Involve district stakeholders in a follow-up feedback and engagement session Set a plan to support the rollout of the CCSS
We need to work together for the future of all of Norwalk's students!!!