@IAEGMOOH Funded by I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here! Free, online, engineering engagement and enrichment activity funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering. ASK questions CHAT to engineers online VOTE for the engineer they think deserves the prize Students can…
@IAEGMOOH Funded by Why does it work? Students – Enthuses students about engineering – Voting provides a purpose – Anonymity of online levels the field – Uses young people’s culture and media – Show students the range of engineering careers Engineers – Done from the lab/office – No wasted time – Appeals to younger engineers particularly – Enjoyable – Quick, frequent, iterative feedback
@IAEGMOOH Funded by Why take part? – Teacher packs with excellent teaching resources support Maths, D&T and Science curriculum – Students are well informed about engineering – Brings modern engineering into the classroom – Completely free for schools!! “I kept finding that I’d ask a question, and they’d give me an answer, and then I’d have loads more questions, and then more, and then more!” Student, I’m a Scientist, West Thames College “They are now more willing to listen to other opinions and feel more confident about expressing an opinion.” Teacher, I’m a Scientist, June 2011