IRCK 2015 INTER-RELIGIOUS COUNCIL OF KENYA Kenya Interfaith Rapid Response Initiative (KIRRI) By Francis Kuria
IRCK 2015 Brief Background of IRCK IRCK is a multi-religious partnership that mobilizes the moral and social resources of religious people to address shared concerns. Founded by top leadership from the Catholic, Protestant, Muslim and Hindu communities in Kenya who subscribed and signed its founding constitution. Has key programs in Peace, Governance, Environment and Health
IRCK Open forum approach to build trust among the different faiths 2.Deep-reach intervention through direct collaboration with faith partners 3.Informed intervention based on thorough research and analysis 4.Complementary and networked partnership, in which we actively reach out to other players, with shared cause, through projects and programs Our Overall strategy
IRCK 2015 Faith Communities in Kenya Christian Catholic Protestant Christian NCCK EAK OAIC SDA Muslim Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims National Muslim Leaders Forum Shia Ithnasharia Muslim Association Hindu Hindu Council of Kenya – incorporates Sikh Council
Structures of IRCK Steering Board – is the mandate body and is composed of the top religious leadership Executive Committee is the policy organ and is composed of the Secretary Generals of the represented faith communities Standing Commissions for Peace, Governance & National Cohesion, Environment and Health IRCK 2007
Sub-structures Kenya Women of Faith Network – composed of apex women of faith bodies (e.g. Catholic Women Association, Women’s Guild, Mothers Union, Muslim Sisters Network etc) Kenya Interfaith Youth Network – Youth leaders representatives from RCBs Local Interfaith Networks – 31 local networks. 16 yet to be formed to cover whole country IRCK 2015
Context of Rapid Response Bomb and gun attacks on two churches in Garissa in 2012 required IRCK to respond Rising interfaith tensions since those attacks as al Shabaab has targeted Christians to drive wedge between faiths There have been riots at the Coast where several churches were ransacked and some burnt following killing of Muslim clerics Inter-ethnic clashes in several areas have caused deep concern and a call on religious leaders to cool national temperatures
The Initiative Has eight major steps Is a 24-hours response mechanism Requires commitment of religious leaders Is connected to the extensive network of faith communities, LIFN and their congregations for information Is a process to address an emergency, gather information, stop escalation of conflicts and pave way for reconciliation work IRCK 2015
The Approach The Initiative aims to address major incidents of conflicts Conflicts with religious elements are given specific attention Maximization of consensus, respect, honour and involvement of faith communities Must ensure integrity of process and results, minimizes competition, use of resources efficiently Must be for the glory of Almighty God IRCK 2015
Principles Shared Interfaith Response Top Leadership Commitment Scalable, flexible and adaptable to operational capabilities Unified leadership and command Readiness to act IRCK 2015
KIRRI Structures At RCB level – Rapid Response Desk/Contact Person At IRCK Secretariat – Rapid Response Unit At Steering Level – Religious Leaders Oversight Team (RELOT) At Custodian level – National Response Council of Religious Elders (RECORE) IRCK 2015
IRCK 2012
Response Process Flow Incident Declaration – 0 hour Conflict Incident Brief – by RRU within 2 hours – convenes (physical or virtual) the RELOT Response Plan Approval within 4 hours – convenes the NACORE and repairs press statement Public action - within 6 hours releases press statement and commissions Field Mission IRCK 2015
Flow cont’d Field mission – starts within 12 hours and arrives at conflict incident scene with 24 hours. Files Field Mission Brief in 36 hours Cessation of hostilities – aim that within 48 hours there is negotiated end of hostilities with communities Initiation of Reconciliation – within 7 days Conclusion of response – within 14 days full report and handover strategy IRCK 2015
Achievements so far Has responded to 5 major incidents so far – –MombasaSamburu – –Turkana-Pokot – –Tana River – –Garissa Deep appreciation by faith leaders and community members by the response and initiation of reconciliation IRCK 2015
Challenges Huge sacrifice especially by IRCK staff who have to be on call 24/7 – Sustainability a big challenge Cost of the field missions can be huge in a non- funded situation. So far only two field missions were funded. Requires discretionary funding which most donors will not accept Connection with other stakeholders – National Cohesion and Integration Commission imperfect – two teams on ground creates competition IRCK 2015
Way Forward Linkage with National Steering Committee on Peace Building for inclusion in the Uwiano/Ushahidi Platform Linkage with the Centre for Early Warning and Response Unit/CEWARN (Interior Ministry/IGAD/AU) Better training for the Response Teams Better funding for the Initiative IRCK 2015
Thank you