NASW Social Work Reinvestment Initiative (SWRI) An Integrated Action Plan Designed to Unify and Advance the Social Work Profession
SWRI: Intent Full recognition of the importance of social work Buy in from government, employers and communities nationwide Assistance with training, recruiting and retaining professional SWs
SWRI: Four Areas Legislative and Political Advocacy Workforce Development Public Education Stakeholder Engagement
SWRI: Four Goals Recruit New SWs Retain Current SWs Retrain Experienced SWs Reactive Community Investment
SWRI: National Impact The Dorothy I. Height and Whitney M. Young, Jr. Social Work Reinvestment Act (H.R. 5447) Introduced on Feb 14, 2008 by Congressman and social worker Edolphus Towns Is in need of additional sponsors
SWRI: California’s Plan Development: 6-month process involving many stakeholders Incorporates SW education and employment trends for CA Delineates multiple strategies for each of the four target areas
SWRI: California’s Plan Available at How does the SWRI Plan benefit me as student? One focus is Social Work Education and Career Development
SW Career Development Exploring SW as a Career: Offered as PowerPoint presentation with a in-depth document. Resources for Financial Aid for SW: Highlighting loan forgiveness and stipend programs for SW
SW Career Development SW Job Search Strategies and Resources Online Class: Overview of the LCSW Licensing Process Documents: 10 Basic Steps to a LCSW License and more
SW Career Development Protecting and advocating for SW classifications with employers such as the California Department of Corrections Partnering with stakeholders to address California’s shortage of bilingual, bicultural SWs