Air & Waste Management Assoc. August 6, 2008 Region 4 RCRA Division Ken Lapierre, Deputy Director
2 Corrective Action PCBs USTs Materials Management Brownfields RCRA Programs RCRA & OPA Enforcement & Compliance Reuse/Revitalization Who We Are Now? Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Enforcement Land Preservation & Restoration Brownfields/ Revitalization UST
3 RCRA Division Alan Farmer. Director RCRA Enforcement & Compliance Branch Caroline Robinson, Chief North Section Doug Mccurry, Chief South Section Frank Ney, Acting Chief RCRA Programs Branch Jon Johnston, Chief Materials Management Section, Jay Bassett, Chief Permits & State Programs Section Otis Johnson, Chief Restoration and UST Branch Jeff Pallas, Chief CA Section, Karen Knight, Chief UST Section, Bill Truman, Chief Brownfields Section Phil Vorsatz, Chief Ken Lapierre Deputy Director RCRA Division Organizational Structure
4 PCB Permitting & Cleanup Program EPA transferred the management of the PCB cleanup program and most of the PCB disposal program from the Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) to the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER). The transfer did not make any substantive changes to the regulatory requirements or standards for PCB cleanup and disposal under TSCA. Corrective Action Section assumed responsibility for PCB cleanups under 40 CFR Part 761. PCB storage and disposal approvals are handled by the Permits and State Programs Section.
5 National Program Priorities Corrective Action Recycling, Waste Minimization & Energy Recovery Revitalization USTs Brownfields Financial Responsibility
6 RCRA and HSWA So Far, the Story Has Been Focused on hazardous waste Built the cradle-to-grave system Permits for facilities largely issued Corrective action focused on high priority sites Next, moving to the 2020 Vision: The Unfinished Business of RCRA Prevent pollution and promote recycling and reuse of materials Reduce the use of priority chemicals at all life cycle stages Cradle to Cradle
7 Meeting the 2020 Corrective Action Goals Concentrate on performance Commit to meeting goals early Use experience on what worked and consider new and innovative ideas Document Remedy Construction (min 30-33/year) Expect no new government resources, accept that the degree of oversight will decrease Set measurable performance outcomes and be accountable for results
8 Resource Conservation Challenge (RCC) Goals Prevent pollution and promote recycling and reuse of materials Reduce the use of priority chemicals at all life cycle stages Increase energy and materials conservation
9 RCC National Priority Areas 35% Recycling of Municipal Solid Waste Beneficial Use of Secondary Materials Priority and Toxic Chemical Reduction Green Initiatives - Electronics
10 Priority Chemical Reduction/NPEP Region 4 is actively seeking opportunities to highlight/showcase achievements in priority chemical reduction Specific goals set for FY2008
11 EPA’s UST FY 2008 Program Goals Overall, Regional goal of 69% for substantial operational compliance (SOC) for release detection and release prevention. Regional petroleum contamination completed cleanup commitment of 3,100 sites.
12 Factors That May Affect UST Cleanup State Fund Solvency Issues Tougher Sites Remain Monitored Natural Attenuation Closures may Take Longer Tighter Resources
13 The Brownfields Universe National Priorities List1623 (NPL) Sites (proposed, final and deleted) Superfund Sites46,654 Brownfields450, ,000 (program estimation)
14 Brownfield National Program Goals Assessments completed with EPA funds 1000 Cleanups completed with EPA funds 60 Jobs Leveraged 5000 Redevelopment Dollars Leveraged $900million
15 Brownfields Program Information Region 4 oversees 104 active Brownfields grants Competitive grantee selections were announced on April 7, 2008 – 50 in R4 Outreach efforts resulted in a 30% increase in competitive grant proposals in Region 4
16 EPA's National Priority of Financial Responsibility EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) established financial responsibility as a national priority for FY2007 through FY2008. The environmental laws affected include RCRA Subtitle C, CERCLA, TSCA, RCRA Subtitle I, and SDWA. RCRA Subtitle C – R4 conducted reviews of all financial assurance instruments and cost estimates in all 8 Region 4 States as of FY2008. Wide range of issues: By the end of FY2008, 8 administrative actions will have been completed.
17 Questions, Discussion?