The Year of the Block Geraint Vaughan 1 This is the footer
This time last year
15 Jan2010
10 February 2010
8 March 2010
2 May 2010: volcanic aerosol
July 2010 – Russian heatwave: mean 500 mb height Jul 2010 NCEP reanalysis - ESRL
Here we go again………
Motivation for workshop Blocking is an important (and long-established) problem for both weather and climate The impacts of blocking for human activities can be far- reaching The dissipation of blocks has been notoriously difficult for NWP models to forecast – but is this still true? Climate models tend to have too little blocking – why? Is this a problem with blocking or another problem showing up as no-blocking – i.e. symptom or cause? Is it time to re-examine the dynamics of blocking? Can we advance the subject?
Outcome of workshop Helps NCAS develop its research programme across Weather and Climate Inform NERC theme leaders – is this an area that needs a directed programme? Consortium? International links