Professional Evaluation Jean Greco Member of RIDE Teacher Evaluation System Work Group RISCA Annual Fall Workshop New England Institute of Technology September 28, 2010
Session Outline Background information on School Counselor Performance Standards and ASCA presentation Draft of RI Model Educator Evaluation System Questions and Answers
Core Questions What is it school counselors do? How do we know what our school counseling candidates can do? What resources do we have to determine this? – ASCA National Model School Counselor Performance Standards School Counselor Competencies
We Dug Deeper into Existing Documents Competencies, for example, include – Practitioner – Supervisor – Programs – Ethical standards – Position statements Conclusion: about 50/50 split of competencies for counselor practitioners and counseling program or administrator/supervisor functions
So… Look again at Performance Standards
The Golden Standard - #13 The professional school counselor is a student advocate, leader, collaborator and a systems change agent Reorganized Standards 1-12 into 13.1 to 13.7
First Outline – ASCA Performance Standards Organized in Standard 13 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 2, 8, 4.2, 8,11,
Proposed New Standards 1.Promotes the academic, career, and personal/ social development of every student 2.Advocates for equitable opportunities for every student 3.Assumes a leadership role within the school community 4.Collaborates to support the success of all students 5.Utilizes data to promote student success and systemic change
Proposed Standards and Competencies For Rhode Island Professional School Counselor Evaluation System
Guiding Principles Evaluation criteria must focus on individual competency rather than program effectiveness Counselors have a rigorous evaluation based on the standards of excellence for their profession
Guiding Principles: Measure Impact of School Counselors on: Student achievement in three developmental domains School reform initiatives School leadership and governance Helping district demonstrate accountability defined in state and national legislation and regulatory language
RIDE’s Reform Agenda Effective teachers in every classroom Effective leaders in every school Teachers and leaders work within a system based on student need
Four Areas of Reform Improve Student Achievement Close the Achievement Gap Increase High School Graduation Rates Raise College Enrollment
RI Educator Evaluation System Standards Requirements Establishes common understanding of expectations for educator quality Emphasizes professional growth and continuous improvement of educator Creates an organizational approach to professional development Assures fair, accurate and consistent evaluation Provides teacher and principal involvement in development process
Committee Work Structure 10/21/2015 TAC (Technical Advisory Committee) RIDE Internal Work Team Strategic Planning Team working with consultants (NCIEA, TNTP, TBA) ACEES (Advisory Committee on Educator Effectiveness Systems) RI Educator Evaluation Model System Impact on Student Learning Professional Responsibilities Professional Practice -Focus Teachers Professional Practice-Focus Administrators Evaluation Process Professional Development and Support Educator Evaluation System Approval Process District Adapters
ACEES Working Group Charges 10/21/2015 Working GroupGroup Charge Impact on Student LearningDevise the process (methods, tools, and mix of assessments) used to evaluate individual teachers’ impact on student learning Evaluation ProcessDevise the set of rules and procedures under which educators will be evaluated, including assessment methods; frequency and timeline for observation, feedback, and development; and evaluation tools Professional Practice (Teachers and Administrators) Define the competencies of professional practice and the indicators used to measure each competency, and establish a rubric that delineates performance standards at each level Professional ResponsibilitiesDefine the competencies of professional responsibility and the indicators used to measure each competency, and establish a rubric that delineates performance standards at each level Professional Development and Support Devise the process, mechanisms and content for providing development support at all performance levels
Educator Evaluations Additional Required Factors: Demonstration of professional practice Demonstration of professional responsibilities Primary Factor (51%): Data on student learning outcomes (growth and mastery)
Primary components to assess teacher performance ComponentDescription Student Learning Outcomes 1. Student growth where appropriate data is available 2. Student mastery of rigorous academic goals and standards, based upon a variety of summative assessments and measured through a goal attainment process. Professional Practice The extent to which a teacher executes a set of core competencies, through observations of teacher and student actions and document reviews. Professional practice competencies will be clearly mapped on a performance rubric by performance level. Professional Responsibilities The extent to which a teacher exhibits non-skill and knowledge based actions and attitudes that reflect a clearly defined set of professional responsibilities.
Evidence used to assess teachers Teacher Group Student Learning Outcomes Professional Practice Professional Responsibilities Growth Model Goal Attainment Teachers who teach tested grades and subjects where the growth model can be applied (e.g., 5 th grade general education) XXXX Teachers who teach grades and subjects where the growth model cannot be applied (e.g., 11 th grade English, middle school art, etc.) XXX
Final rating scale Individual ratings for each of the three components will be combined to produce a final rating based on the following 4-point scale: Ineffective Minimally Effective Effective Highly Effective Student learning rating Professional practice rating Professional responsibilities rating + + Final evaluation rating
Self-assessment and individual development plan; Set goals based on student diagnostics Beginning of year goal- setting conference AugSep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Gathering of evidence: Announced and unannounced classroom observations, unit/lesson plan reviews, student work and data reviews, data team or other instructional team meetings Proposed RI Model Process – Key Elements and Timeline Mid-year check-in conference End of year summative evaluation conference Self-assessment, review of all gathered evidence to date, and revisit development plan Self-assessment, including next year’s development plan focus, and all gathered evidence to date Primary evaluator (must be in-school administrator) Complementary evaluator* *District or state-assigned administrator/teacher Teacher leaders, mentors/coaches
Utilization of Evaluation Results Provide individualized feedback to all educators Support continuous professional development Create incentives for highly effective educators Provide information for renewal and tenure decisions Improve performance of ineffective educators
Tiered System Roll-Out Plan Current, through SY SY SY Development of evaluation processes for Teachers and Building Administrators X Implementation of teacher evaluation and building administrator evaluation processes X Development of evaluation processes for Support Professionals and District Administrators X Implementation of support professional evaluation and district administrator evaluation processes X
Pay Attention and Get Involved High quality educators is a national priority A clearly-defined and rigorous counselor evaluation system is one way to demonstrate that we are highly-qualified We must pay attention to what is going on and get involved with the change process so that we can define our accountability system versus having others define it for us
Final Thoughts School counselors need their own rigorous evaluation system that assesses their unique contribution to student success and school reform The evaluation system should be simple, elegant and meaningful The future of K-12 school counseling depends on our ability to demonstrate our worth to others
Performance Portfolio Artifacts Evidence of impact upon student growth and academic achievement Evidence of quality instruction Evidence of professional responsibilities Evidence of content knowledge
Observation School Guidance Curriculum Individual Student Planning Responsive Services Systems Support
ASCA National Model
Professional Development The proposed professional standards revision highlights the following roles: Leadership Advocacy Collaboration Consultation Use of Data
Resources RISCA Toolkits EZAnalyze CSCOR
Resources ASCA National Model ASCA National Model Workbook Making Data Work ASCA Ethical Standards ASCA Position Papers
Contact Information Monica Darcy Tom Dukes Jean Greco Karl Squier RISCA RIDE