Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Image Quality and Patient Dose


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Presentation transcript:

Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Image Quality and Patient Dose Module title RTC on RADIATION PROTECTION OF PATIENTS FOR RADIOGRAPHERS Accra, Ghana, July 2011 Image Quality and Patient Dose IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Overview To become familiar with the factors that determine the image clarity and the way the image quality can be improved Lecture notes: ( about 100 words) Instructions for the lecturer/trainer IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Imaging quality Efficient diagnosis requires These factors are linked acceptable noise good image contrast sufficient spatial resolution These factors are linked “Objective” measurement of quality is difficult

Factors affecting image quality Blur or Unsharpness Contrast Image quality Distortion & artifact Noise

Image contrast High Contrast Low Contrast Medium Contrast Image contrast refers to the fractional difference in optical density of brightness between two regions of an image

Some factors influencing contrast Radiographic or subject contrast Tissue thickness Tissue density Tissue electron density Effective atomic number Z X Ray energy in kVp X Ray spectrum (filtration) Scatter rejection Collimator Grid … Image contrast The radiographic contrast plus : Film characteristics Screen characteristics Windowing level of CT and DSA

Technique factors (1) Peak voltage value has an influence on the beam hardness (beam quality) It has to be related to medical question What is the anatomical structure to be investigated? What is the contrast level needed? For a thorax examination : 110 - 120 kV is suitable to visualize the lung structure However only 65 kV is necessary to see bone structure

Technique factors (2) The higher the energy, the greater the penetrating power of X Rays At very high energy levels, the difference between bone and soft tissue decreases and both become equally transparent Image contrast can be enhanced by choosing a lower kVp so that photoelectric interactions are increased Higher kVp is required when the contrast is high (chest)

Technique factors (3) The mAs controls the quantity of X Rays (intensity or number of X Rays) X Ray intensity is directly proportional to the mAs Over or under-exposure can be controlled by adjusting the mAs If the film is too “white”, increasing the mAs will bring up the intensity and optical density

Receptor contrast The film as receptor has a major role to play in altering the image contrast There are high contrast and high sensitivity films The characteristic curve of the film describes the intrinsic properties of the receptor (base + fog, sensitivity, mean gradient, maximum optical density) N.B.: Film processing has a pronounced effect on fog and contrast

Image Contrast Difference in signal – pixel value, film density High Low

Video monitor The video monitor is commonly used in fluoroscopy and digital imaging The display on the monitor adds flexibility in the choice of image contrast The dynamic range of the monitor is limited (limitation in displaying wide range of exposures) Increased flexibility in displaying image contrast is achieved by adjustment of the window level or grey levels of a digital image

Blur or lack of sharpness The boundaries of an organ or lesion may be very sharp but the image shows a lack of sharpness Different factors may be responsible for such a degree of “fuzziness” or blurring The radiologist viewing the image might express an opinion that the image lacks “detail” or “resolution” (subjective reaction of the viewer to the degree of sharpness present in the image)

Resolution Smallest distance that two objects can be separated and still appear distinct Example of limits Film/screen: 0.01 mm CT: 0.5 mm Other definition: “Point-spread” function Characteristic of a “point” object Point object expected to be point in image Blurring due to imperfections of imaging system

Factors affecting image sharpness Geometric Unsharpness Object Unsharpness Image Unsharpness Motion Unsharpness Subject Unsharpness

Resolution and Focal Spot Size Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Resolution and Focal Spot Size Penumbra More blur Less blur Appearance of image IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Measuring Resolution Line pair test object One line pair {

Geometric blur If the focal spot is infinitesimally small, the blur is minimized because of minimal geometric bluntness As the focal spot increases, the blur in the image increases Small focal spot Large focal spot

Geometric blur Another cause of lack of geometric sharpness is the distance of the receptor from the object Moving the receptor away from the object results in an increased lack of sharpness N.B.: The smaller the focal size and closer the contact between the object and the film (or receptor), the better the image quality as a result of a reduction in the geometric sharpness

Lack of sharpness in the subject Not all structures in the body have well-defined and separate boundaries (superimposition essentially present in most situations) The organs do not have square or rectangular boundaries The fidelity with which details in the object are required to be imaged is an essential requirement of any imaging system The absence of sharpness, in the subject/object is reflected in the image

Lack of sharpness due to motion (1) Common and understandable blur in medical imaging Patient movement : uncooperative child organ contraction or relaxation heart beating, breathing etc. Voluntary motion can be controlled by keeping examination time short and asking the patient to remain still during the examination

Lack of sharpness due to motion (2) Shorter exposure times are achieved by the use of fast intensifying screens N.B.: Faster screens result in loss of details (receptor sharpness) Further, the use of shorter exposure time has to be compensated with increased mA to achieve a good image This often implies use of large focal spot (geometric sharpness)

Distortion and artifacts Unequal magnification of various anatomical structures Inability to give an accurate impression of the real size, shape and relative positions Grid artifact (grid visualized on the film) Light spot simulating microcalcifications (dust on the screen) Bad film screen contact, bad patient positioning (breast)

Noise Defined as uncertainty or imprecision of the recording of a signal Impressionist painting: precision of object increases with number of dots X Ray imaging: when recorded with small number of X- photons has high degree of uncertainty,more photons give less noise Other sources of noise: Grains in radiographic film Large grains in intensifying screens Electronic noise of detector or amplifier

Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Noise Decreasing radiation intensity Increasing noise IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Contrast & Noise  Contrast Noise  IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Radiography Issues Correct positioning PRE-exposure collimation Improves diagnosis and reduces retakes PRE-exposure collimation Minimises unnecessary tissue dose With CR/DR, there is a temptation to post-exposure (electronically) collimate – RESIST THIS!!

Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Summary Different technical and physical factors may influence the image quality by impairing the detection capability of the anatomical structures useful for diagnosis (increasing the image unsharpness) Some factors depend on the receptor, some others are more related to the radiographic technique Let’s summarize the main subjects we did cover in this session. (List the main subjects covered and stress again the important features of the session) IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Patient dose assessment Module title Patient dose assessment Part …: (Add part number and title) Module…: (Add module number and title) Lesson …: (Add session number and title) Learning objectives: Upon completion of this lesson, the students will be able to: … . (Add a list of what the students are expected to learn or be able to do upon completion of the session) Activity: (Add the method used for presenting or conducting the lesson – lecture, demonstration, exercise, laboratory exercise, case study, simulation, etc.) Duration: (Add presentation time or duration of the session – hrs) Materials and equipment needed: (List materials and equipment needed to conduct the session, if appropriate) References: (List the references for the session) IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Overview To become familiar with the patient dose assessment and dosimetry instrument characteristics. Lecture notes: ( about 100 words) Instructions for the lecturer/trainer IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Parameters influencing patient exposure Part …: (Add part number and title) Module…: (Add module number and title) Lesson …: (Add session number and title) Learning objectives: Upon completion of this lesson, the students will be able to: … . (Add a list of what the students are expected to learn or be able to do upon completion of the session) Activity: (Add the method used for presenting or conducting the lesson – lecture, demonstration, exercise, laboratory exercise, case study, simulation, etc.) Duration: (Add presentation time or duration of the session – hrs) Materials and equipment needed: (List materials and equipment needed to conduct the session, if appropriate) References: (List the references for the session) IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Essential parameters influencing patient exposure Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Essential parameters influencing patient exposure } Tube voltage Tube current Effective filtration Kerma rate [mGy/min] } Kerma [Gy] Exposure time [min] } Area exposure product [Gy m2 ] Field size [m2] IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Factors in conventional radiography: beam, collimation Beam energy Depending on peak kV and filtration Regulations require minimum total filtration to absorb lower energy photons Added filtration reduces dose Goal should be use of highest kV resulting in acceptable image contrast Collimation Area exposed should be limited to area of CLINICAL interest to lower dose Additional benefit is less scatter, better contrast

Factors in conventional radiography: grid,patient size Grids Reduce the amount of scatter reaching image receptor But at the cost of increased patient dose Typically 2-5 times: “Bucky factor” or grid ratio Patient size Thickness, volume irradiated…and dose increases with patient size Except for breast (compression), no control Technique charts with suggested exposure factor for various examinations and patient thickness helpful to avoid retakes Use of AEC exposure

Factors affecting dose in fluoroscopy Beam energy and filtration Collimation Source-to-skin distance Inverse square law: maintain max distance from patient Patient-to-image intensifier Minimizing patient-to- I I will lower dose But slightly decrease image quality by increased scatter Image magnification Geometric and electronic magnification increase dose Grid If small sized patient (les scatter) perhaps without grid Beam-on time!

Factors affecting dose in CT Beam energy and filtration 120-140 kV; shaped filters Collimation or section thickness Post-patient collimator will reduce slice thickness imaged but not the irradiated thickness Number and spacing of adjacent sections Image quality and noise Like all modalities: dose increase=>noise decreases

Factors affecting dose in spiral CT Factors for conventional CT also valid Scan pitch Ratio of couch travel in one rotation divided by slice thickness If pitch = 1, doses are comparable to conventional CT Dose proportional to 1/pitch

Patient dosimetry methods

Patient dosimetry Radiography: entrance surface dose ESD Output factors Dose – area product (DAP) Fluoroscopy: Dose - Area Product (DAP) CT: Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI) Dose – length product (DLP)

From ESD to organ and effective dose Except for invasive methods, no organ doses can be measured The only way in radiography: measure the Entrance Surface Dose (ESD) Use mathematical models to estimate internal dose. Mathematical models based on Monte Carlo simulations Dose to the organ tabulated as a fraction of the entrance dose for different projections Since filtration, field size and orientation play a role: long lists of tables (See NRPB R262 and NRPB SR262)

From DAP to organ and effective dose In fluoroscopy: moving field, measurement of Dose-Area Product (DAP) In similar way organ doses calculated by Monte Carlo modelling Based on mathematical model Conversion coefficients estimated as organ doses per unit dose-area product Again numerous factors are to be taken into account such as projection, filtration, … Once organ doses are obtained, effective dose is calculated following ICRP103

Dose measurements: how to measure dose indicators ESD, DAP,CTDI…

Measurements of Radiation Output X Ray tube Filter SDD Ion. chamber Lead slab Table top Phantom (PEP)

Measurements of Radiation Output Operating conditions Consistency check The output as a function of kVp The output as a function of mA The output as a function of exposure time

Measurement of entrance surface dose Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Measurement of entrance surface dose Includes backscatter (~30%) TLD, solid state dosimeter or ion chamber The entrance surface dose measured under these conditions includes the backscatter IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Dose Area Product (DAP) Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Dose Area Product (DAP) Transmission ionization chamber DAP meter can be put anywhere between the tube and the patient since its reading is independent on the position IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Dose Area Product (DAP) Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Dose Area Product (DAP) 0.5 m 1 m 2 m Air Kerma: Area: Area exposure product 40*103 Gy 2.5*10-3 m2 100 Gy m2 10*103 Gy 10*10-3 m2 100 Gy m2 2.5*103 Gy 40*10-3 m2 100 Gy m2 As can be seen the measured DAP quantity is constant since the Air Kerma decreases according to the inverse square law and the area increases as the square of the distance IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Calibration of a Dose Area Product (DAP) Film cassette 10 cm Ionization chamber

Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Levels of Dosimetry Level 1 - published tables Level 2 - Monte Carlo tables using known data Level 3 - direct measurement of skin dose Level 4 - humanoid phantom measurements with TLD IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Level 1 - Published Dose Tables Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Level 1 - Published Dose Tables ICRP, NCRP and various books have tables of “typical” doses for various x-rays Tables show organ doses and sometimes effective dose The data is usually old, from x-rays made with slower film/screen systems than in current use Still useful as a guide IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Level 2 - Monte Carlo Systems Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Level 2 - Monte Carlo Systems Provide organ doses, and effective dose Use calculated data but with user entry of various parameters : HVL, kVp skin dose or free-in-air exposure at skin distance FSD, field size and position IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Monte Carlo Systems Various computer programs and lookup tables, eg. TISSDOSE, XDOSE, PCXMC Most users do not know the actual values for input variables, so often must use assumed values HVL, kVp, FSD, field size easy to assume – kVp/mAs and field size not always easy to assume IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Typical Radiology Doses (Melbourne Data) Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Typical Radiology Doses (Melbourne Data) IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources


Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title PCXMC IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title ImPACT CT Dose IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources

Summary In this lesson we learned the factors influencing patient dose, and how to have access to an estimation of the detriment through measurement of entrance dose, dose area product or specific CT dosimetry methods.