Teacher Evaluation Performance Portfolios Gail Grieger Pam Horton Robin Pellor Jim Southard by
Considerations How can performance portfolios be used in the public school setting? In what ways can performance portfolios be directly linked to outcome indicators? Would the benefits of using portfolios be worth the time for implementation? How can you make performance portfolios work for you?
The Teacher Portfolio is a record (electronic, tangible, or mixed) of the processes, results, style, and accomplishments of a teacher. A variety of records may be used, as shown in the table on the next slide. What are Performance Portfolios?
InformalMixedFormal Teacher Class HandoutsLesson PlansEmployment Application Teacher/O thers Joint Team Teaching NotesShared review of teaching practices commented on by teacher and evaluator Official Performance Assessments Others Letter of Recommendation Survey of StudentsDiplomas, Licenses, Professional Development Records Performance Portfolio Chart
How should Performance Portfolios be Implemented? start slowly gain acceptance instill ownership communicate implementation use models be selective be realistic
How are Performance Portfolios Used? Authentic Assessment: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Teacher structured by district's APPR criteria provides a window into classroom life not accessible through direct observation reveals the complexity of teacher's knowledge about how students learn authentic view of teaching and learning over time
How are Performance Portfolios Used? Documentation and Reflection on a Teacher's Practice provides teachers with a structure and a process for reflection uses evidence as a tool for reflection allows teachers to make decisions about evidence that captures their growth over time
Evaluation of portfolios use caution not an exclusive tool for personnel decisions subjective vs. objective standard list of inclusions create a rubric to evaluate standard items and/or have a standard evaluation form “One does not evaluate a portfolio, one evaluates teaching through a portfolio.”
consistency throughout the portfolio consistency throughout the portfolio to support statement of teaching to support statement of teaching philosophy philosophy a resume that demonstrates a variety a resume that demonstrates a variety of experience of experience expertise supported by authentic expertise supported by authentic evidence that includes evidence that includes student work collaborative practices professional development self-reflection objective feedback Evaluate
Sample of a new type of teaching portfolio Sample Evaluation form Information Sample Links Sources Bull, Kay S. et al. (1994). Portfolio Assessment in Teacher Evaluation: A Comparison of the Perspectives of General and Special Education Administrators and Teachers. Rural Partnerships: Working Together. Proceeding of the Annual National Conference of the American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES). Retrieved 2009 from Doolittle, Peter (1994). Teacher portfolio assessment. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 4(1). Retrieved July 2009 from Evaluating Teaching Through Portfolios. Perspectives on who evaluates teaching through portfolios and how. Retrieved July 2009 from
How can performance portfolios be used in the public school setting? In what ways can performance portfolios be directly linked to outcome indicators? Would performance portfolio benefits be worth the implementation? How can you make performance portfolios work for you?