Longitudinal Coordination of Care Pilots WG Monday, January 6, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Longitudinal Coordination of Care Pilots WG Monday, January 6, 2014

Meeting Etiquette Remember: If you are not speaking, please keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold. If you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when finished with your other call o Hold = Elevator Music = frustrated speakers and participants This meeting is being recorded o Another reason to keep your phone on mute when not speaking Use the “Chat” feature for questions, comments and items you would like the moderator or other participants to know. o Send comments to All Panelists so they can be addressed publically in the chat, or discussed in the meeting (as appropriate). From S&I Framework to Participants: Hi everyone: remember to keep your phone on mute All Panelists

3 Reminder Join the LCC WG & Complete Pilot Survey ** If your contact information has recently changed, please send your updated information to Becky Angeles at

TopicPresenter Welcome & AnnouncementsEvelyn, Lynette HL7 PCWG Health Concern Topic: Home Health & Reducing Readmissions Becky FACA UpdatesEvelyn HIMSS Health Story & LCC CollaborationEvelyn Presentation: GSI HealthVince Lewis Next StepsLynette Agenda 4

Meeting Reminders S&I Framework Hosted Meetings: LCC Pilot WG meetings are Mondays from 11:00– 12:00 pm Eastern –Focus on validation and testing of LCC Standards for Transitions of Care & Care Plan exchange LCC All Hands WG meetings are Mondays & Thursdays from 5:00– 6:00 pm Eastern –These meetings are facilitated in partnership with Lantana and will focus on discussion and review of HL7 C-CDA R2 Ballot Comments HL7 Structured Documents WG Meetings Wednesdays from 10:00 – 11:00am Eastern WebEx: Dial In: ; Access Code: Focus on ballot reconciliation of HL7 C-CDA R2 Ballot comments Thursdays from 10:00 – 12:00pm Eastern –WebEx: –Dial In: ; Access Code: –Focus on block voting of HL7 C-CDA R2 Ballot comments

HL7 Patient Care WG Meeting Reminders Care Plan Project –Developing user stories that define and differentiate Care Plan, Plan of Care, Treatment Plan –Current working documents found here: –Meetings every 2 nd Wednesday from 4:00 – 5:00pm ET Next meeting scheduled for Jan. 8 th Meeting Information: –Web Meeting URL: nehta.rbweb.com.aunehta.rbweb.com.au –Phone: , Participant Code:

HL7 Patient Care WG Meeting Reminders, cont’d… Health Concern Topic NEED YOUR HELP constructing user stories for Home Health & Reducing Hospital Readmissions!! –User story should explain: What is a Health Concern Observation How Health Concern Tracker is Used How Health Concern is different from Problem Concern –Current working documents found here: Current Use Case Doc: –Meetings every 2nd Thursday from 4:00 – 5:00pm ET Next meeting scheduled for Jan. 9 th Meeting Information: –Web URL: »Meeting Number: –Phone: , Participant Code:

HL7 Patient Care WG Meeting Reminders, cont’d... Coordination of Care Services Specification Project –Provide SOA capabilities/models to support coordination of patient care across the continuum –Current working documents found here: cation_Project cation_Project –Meetings every Tuesday 4:00 - 5:00 pm ET Meeting Information: –Web Meeting URL: UA35CE2U3J4SV41XMZR3-3MNZ UA35CE2U3J4SV41XMZR3-3MNZ »Meeting Number: –Phone: , Participant Code:

Meaningful Use & Certification Criteria Timeline NEW* Meaningful Use Timeline Stage 2 extended through 2016; Stage 3 to begin in 2017 for those providers who have completed at least 2 years in Stage 2 Stage 3 NPRM to be released Fall 2014 Stage 3 Final Rule to be published in 2015 ONC HIT Certification Program Certification criteria to be updated more frequently ONC to publish proposed rule for 2015 Edition of certification criteria 2015 will improve on 2014 Edition: address issues found in 2014 Edition and reference updated standards and IG 2015 Edition will be voluntary; 2014 Edition will remain baseline certification criteria

FACA Meeting Updates HIT Policy Committee: RECAP Dec 4 th Meeting relevant topics CAWG presentation on framework for voluntary LTPAC & BH Certification Program -5 Factor Framework -MU is not only program that can leverage HIT Certification Program (e.g. ACA & State Innovation Model Program) -Dec 12 th Virtual Hearing Joint PGHD Recommendations for Stage 3 –Review of existing and emerging standards for PGHD –HL7 CCDA Revisions to header level and to enable care planning –HL7 Care Team Roster –Need to further explore shared care plans Meeting materials available: Next meeting scheduled for Jan. 14 th from 9:30 – 3:00pm ET

HITPC CAWG: 5 Factor Framework Advance a National Priority or Legislative Mandate: Is there a compelling reason, such as a National Quality Strategy Priority, that the proposed ONC certification program would advance? Align with Existing Federal/State Programs: Would the proposed ONC certification program align with federal/state programs? Utilize the existing technology pipeline: Are there industry-developed health IT standards and/or functionalities in existence that would support the proposed ONC certification program? Build on existing stakeholder support: Does stakeholder buy-in exist to support the proposed ONC certification program? Appropriately balance the costs and benefits of a certification program: Is certification the best available option? Considerations should include financial and non-financial costs and benefits. 11 When evaluating whether to establish a new certification program, ONC should consider whether the proposed certification program would:

HITPC CAWG Dec. 12 th Virtual Hearing CAWG convened 6 panelist groups to speak to ONC’s intention to design a voluntary certification program for LTPAC providers Panel 1: Clinical Perspective Medication Management Clinical Decision Support Diagnostic Tests Public Health Panel 2: Clinical Perspective Care Planning Nursing Panel 3: Provider Perspective Panel 4: Vendor Perspective Panel 5: Regulatory/ Quality Improvement Perspective Panel 6: Patient and Caregiver Perspective Testimonies & Summary of Meeting available at: certification-long-term-and-post-and certification-long-term-and-post-and

FACA Meeting Reminders HITPC Certification & Adoption WG Next meeting scheduled for Jan. 10 th from 11:00 – 12:30pm ET HITPC Meaningful Use WG Next meeting scheduled for Jan. 6 th from 9:30 – 11:30am ET HIT Standards Committee Next meeting TBD—Jan. 23 rd meeting from 9:00 – 3:00pm ET has been CANCELED

S&I LCC WG has partnered with HIMSS Health Story to demonstrate Transfer Summary & Care Plan exchange use case at HIMSS Interoperability Showcase (Feb. 24 to ) Participating LCC WG Organizations: –HealthIX –Caradigm –Netsmart –GSI Health –Lantana –Datuit HIMSS Health Story & LCC Showcase 14

LCC Pilot WG Timeline: Aug 2013 – Sept 2014 Aug-Sept 13Nov 13Dec- Jan 14Feb- Mar 14Apr- May 14Jun- Jul 14Aug- Sep 14 Milestones Updated HL7 C- CDA IG Complete HL7 Fall Ballot Close LCC Pilot Monitoring & Evaluation LCC Pilot Proposal Review HL7 Ballot Publication LCC Pilots Close HL7 Ballot & Reconciliation LCC Pilot WG Launch IMPACT Go-Live NY Care Coordination Go-Live HL7 C-CDA IG Revisions LCC Pilot Wrap-Up LCC Pilot Test Spec. Complete HL7 Ballot LCC Pilot WG

Purpose –Provide tools and guidance for managing and evaluating LCC pilot Projects –Create a forum to share lessons learned and best practices –Provide subject matter expertise –Leverage existing and new partnerships Goals –Bring awareness on available national standards for HIE and care coordination –Real world evaluation of parts of most recent HL7 C-CDA Revisions Implementation Guide (IG) –Validation of ToC and Care Plan/HHPoC datasets Pilot Work Group Purpose and Goals 16

17 GSI Pilots Proposal Vincent Lewis

Homework Assignments: –Complete Pilot Survey –Sign up as an LCC Committed Member –Submit Pilot Documentation Proposals Available on the LCC Pilot SWG Wiki: to Lynette Elliott Next Steps 18

LCC Leads –Dr. Larry Garber –Dr. Terry O’Malley –Dr. Bill Russell –Sue Mitchell LCC/HL7 Coordination Lead –Dr. Russ Leftwich Federal Partner Lead –Jennie Harvell Initiative Coordinator –Evelyn Gallego Project Management –Pilots Lead: Lynette Elliott –Use Case Lead: Becky Angeles LCC Initiative: Contact Information 19 LCC Wiki Site: