Dipl.-Ing. Thomas FISCHER Almada, 26 th March 2009 Parking Policy Graz.


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Presentation transcript:

Dipl.-Ing. Thomas FISCHER Almada, 26 th March 2009 Parking Policy Graz

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Overview General Data and Statistics Planning Principles Parking Policy P+R Life Cycle Costs

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz City of Graz European Cultural Capital City 2003 Area 127 km² ~ inhabitants (1991: ) ~ jobs (1991: ) District Graz–Umgebung (surroundings) – inhabitants (1991: ) – jobs (1991: )

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Infrastructure Bicycle route network~ 116 km Public transport network~ 392 km –Tram (6 lines)~ 49 km –Bus (37 lines)~ 343 km Road network~ 996 km –Priority roads~ 194 km –Roads without priority~ 802 km

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Mobility of the population On average every inhabitant makes 3.7 trips per day (1998: 3,8) He/she covers 23 km on average (1998: 22 km) And spends 78 minutes in traffic (1998: 75 min.) 1.11 million trips are made every day in Graz (1998: 1.1 mio.) mobility survey 2004 Ownership of bikes, cars, driving-licenses and PT- tickets

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Modal Split – mode choice mobility survey 2004

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Mobility – Comparison with Environs mobility survey 1998

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Mobility across the City limits

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Mobility – Development Scenarios 4,2 Mio. 5,6 Mio. 5,2 Mio. 4,8 Mio. Pers. km

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Gentle Mobility – Ideas for the Future first strategies of environmental handling of transportation already in the early 70 traffic concept 1992 –3 scenarios extrapolation of the trend car-friendly city „Gentle Mobility “ transport policy 2000 „Gentle Mobility “

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Planning principles Policy Guidelines good accessibilityGraz – a city of good accessibility short distancesGraz – a city of short distances a balanced distribution of the means of transportGraz – a city with a balanced distribution of the means of transport socially and environmentally compatible trafficGraz – a city with socially and environmentally compatible traffic grass roots planning and public participationGraz – a city with grass roots planning and public participation

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz The idea of Gentle Mobility developed since 1980 Gentle Mobility –forcing of the environmental group (pedestrians, bike, PT) –reduction of car use on a necessary level –speed reduction (Tempo 30/50) –on-road parking management

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Planning principles: Gentle Mobility since 1980 Priority for environmental friendly modes –Creation of a „green network“ Permeability for foot and bike network Direct connection to city centre and city quarter centres –Making public transport more attractive User friendly stops Modern vehicles working reliability, securing connections, correct timetables Extension and priority measures

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Planning principles: Gentle Mobility since 1980 Keeping through traffic out of residential areas –Closing gaps in the priority road network –Direct link-up of industrial and commercial areas with the priority road network Parking management –Park & Ride at the city edges and in the region –Different tariff zones –Extension of short term parking zones –Garages in residential areas Speed reduction –Tempo 30/50

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Parking Management Pedestrian Areas in the City Center Advancement of on-road parking- management –zones of short-term parking –chargeable on-road parking („Parking- zone“) P+R areas at rail and/or Tram-lines –2.100 existing parking places –2.000 parking places in planning stage

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Parking Management Space for People

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Parking Management Space for People

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Parking Management Space for People

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Parking Management Space for People

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Parking Management Space for People

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Parking Management Space for People

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Parking Management Space for People

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz on-road parking management since 20 years short-term parking places € 1,20 per hour max. 3 hours special fee for eco- friendly vehicles (€ 0,80/h) special exceptions for resident (€ 214 / 2y) On-Road Parking Management I Short-term Parking

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz since 2007 chargeable on-road parking chargeable on- road parking places € 0,60 per hour no parking-time limitation special fee for eco- friendly vehicles (€ 0,40/h) special exceptions for resident (€ 96 / 2y) On-Road Parking Management II Chargeable On-road Parking

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Korridor Weiz Korridor St. Stefan Korridor Gleisdorf Modal Split MIV:ÖV 87:13 Modal Split MIV:ÖV 90:10 Modal Split MIV:ÖV 89:11 Korridor Bruck/M Modal Split MIV:ÖV 83:17 Korridor Leibnitz Modal Split MIV:ÖV 84:16 Korridor Dlberg Modal Split MIV:ÖV 88:12 Corridorpers./day proportion carsPT Bruck / Mur Weiz Gleisdorf St. Stefan Leibnitz Deutschlandsberg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ total thereof cars thereof daily commuters ~ ~ ~ P+R in Graz Terminating Traffic

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Weinzödl Fölling Ostbahnhof Webling Thondorf Murpark Puntigam P+R - facilitiesStellplätze Murpark Webling Ostbahnhof Weinzödl Mariatrost Zentralfriedhof List Halle GKB Thondorf Fölling Puntigam Mariatrost GKB List Halle Zentralfriedhof P+R in Graz Existing and Planned Facilties

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz P+R in Graz Why Life Cycle Costs? Because of the financial situation of city one question was asked How high must be the first-time investment, that the infrastructure have balanced budget after the life cycle of 30 years?

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz P+R in Graz Life Cycle Costs - Definition Development Planning Construction –Building –Technical equipment –Outside-facilities Utilisation –Operating Costs –Maintenance Re-Construction Building Ground Financing Costs building ground

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz P+R in Graz Life Cycle Costs - Definition 3 Financing Models –Model 1: No Aid Financing onto the open market –Model 2: 35% Aid (currently aid by the province of Styria for P+R facilities) –Model 3: Aid in the amount of the building costs

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz P+R in Graz LCC – Garage 500 Places €%€%€% Building ,-38% ,-50% ,-58% Financing Costs ,-36% ,-13%0,-0% Utilisation ,-29% ,-39% ,-45% Ground Costs* ,-17% ,-23% ,-27% Disp. Ground ,--19% ,--26% ,--30% Total after 30 years ,-100% ,-100% ,-100% Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 * Ground Costs incl. Financing Costs

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz P+R in Graz Life Cycle Costs - Conclusion Under the condition, that you can earn the running costs by parking fees About 80% aid is necessary to run a P+R garage without deficit in period of 30 years

Almada, 26 th March Parking Policy Graz Dipl.-Ing. Fischer Thomas City of Graz Executive Office for Urban Planning, Development and Construction Europaplatz 20 A 8020 Graz Austria Phone: Fax: