Environmentally Harmful Subidies and Ways to Eliminate Them, Budapest, 2-3 September 2004 Environmentally Harmful Subsidies in the Water Sector R. Andreas Kraemer Ecologic Datum Environmentally Harmful Subidies and Ways to Eliminate Them, Budapest, 2-3 September Preview Taxonomy of subsidies in the water sector Environmental effects of subsidy removal Pieters’ Checklist Approach for detecting Environmentally Harmful Subsidies Background & scope Lessons learned New OECD project (2004) on subsidisation in the water sector Datum Environmentally Harmful Subidies and Ways to Eliminate Them, Budapest, 2-3 September Taxonomy of Water Subsidies (Extract) Water Catchment Surface & Groundwater Water Abstraction Water Distribution/ Storage/ Supply Network IndustryHouseholdsAgriculture Waste Water Collection Network Waste Water Treatment Water discharge to the environment -Low interest loans; -Underpricing; -Substandard rate of return; -Debt relief for infrastructural investment projects; -Tax exemptions (e.g.: water supply services are exempt from VAT); -Subsidies for building new or upgrading existing water plants; -Subsidies to operation & maintenance costs; -Charges below cost recovery; -Environmental externalities not included; -Substandard rate of return; -Financial assistance for irrigation water abstraction; -Indirect subsidy via tax exemption (e.g. groundwater abstraction tax); -Compensation payments for environmentally friendly farming practices; -Financial assistance / low interest loans for infrastructure; -Financing investments / operating costs of water works; -Retrofitting of water-using installations; -Financed water supply to ensure a lower price for citizens; Water Use -Cross-subsidisation; - Interest-free loans for infrastructural investments; - Underpricing; - Investment subsidies; Datum Environmentally Harmful Subidies and Ways to Eliminate Them, Budapest, 2-3 September Possible Environmental Effects Negative Effects Overabstraction Drawdown Degradation of water based eco-systems Inefficient resource use Cultivation of water inefficient crops Declining fertility Technological lock-in Positive Effects Reduced wastage (upgraded distribution infrastructure) Reduced water use (water saving appliances) Water quality improvements (e.g. increased treatment) Datum Environmentally Harmful Subidies and Ways to Eliminate Them, Budapest, 2-3 September Pieters’ Checklist Approach I Most OECD countries operate substantive subsidisation schemes in the water sector with significant budgetary allocations Aims of Pieters’ checklist (2002): Identify preferable options for subsidy reform Provide a decision-making tool for policy-makers Quick-Scan procedure that allows to concentrate further reform efforts Datum Environmentally Harmful Subidies and Ways to Eliminate Them, Budapest, 2-3 September Pieters’ Checklist Approach Step 1: Description of the subsidy Step 5: High concentration of market power Step 2: Policy filter effectively limits env. damage Subsidy removal is NOT likely to have significant environmental benefits Step 3: Benign alternatives available (now or future) Step 4: Size & conditionality lead to higher volumes Effects indeterminate - could be large - Step 6: Subsidy removal is likely to have significant environmental effects Y N Y Y Y N N N Datum Environmentally Harmful Subidies and Ways to Eliminate Them, Budapest, 2-3 September Lessons learned I Strengths of Pieters’ checklist Practical decision making tool for systematically approaching subsidy reform Necessitates categorisation and prioritisation of alternative options - increases transparency Enhances consistency and comparability of decisions Application to real-life cases (AU, NZ): Checklist captured most important outcomes Datum Environmentally Harmful Subidies and Ways to Eliminate Them, Budapest, 2-3 September Lessons learned II Limitations and possible remedies Quick scan procedure favours focus on short run environmental effects Scale of effects is important: nature and severity of environmental damage should influence the ranking of reform options Datum Environmentally Harmful Subidies and Ways to Eliminate Them, Budapest, 2-3 September Lessons learned III Important to account for specificity of the water sector when applying the checklist: Long life-span of capital assets and investment goods Water services: contribution to public health Redistributive effects Datum Environmentally Harmful Subidies and Ways to Eliminate Them, Budapest, 2-3 September OECD Study (June 04) - I Mechanisms for Managing Public Environmental Expenditures in Selected OECD countries Analysis of public environmental expenditure programmes in the water supply & sanitation sector Four countries / systems GermanyAustriaFranceFlanders Public-private partnership waste water Public-private partnership WSS Agences de l‘Eau Loan programmes after Unification Datum Environmentally Harmful Subidies and Ways to Eliminate Them, Budapest, 2-3 September OECD Study (June 04) - II Task: Analysis of programmes using the OECD/EAP checklist for good practices in PEEM 3 Dimensions Environmental effectiveness Fiscal prudence Management efficiency Goal : Provide reference for National and regional policy makers in economies in transition Representatives of lender organisations Environmentally Harmful Subidies and Ways to Eliminate Them, Budapest, 2-3 September 2004 Environmentally Harmful Subsidies in the Water Sector R. Andreas Kraemer Ecologic, Pfalzburger Str , D Berlin ,