Future perspectives of language teaching in Japan 平成 21 年度教員免許状更新講習 3 共立女子大学 03/08/2009 笹島茂 1
Current situations To start foreign language activities in primary 5 To teach more vocabulary To teach more learning time in lower secondary education To focus on ‘communication’ To teach English through using English in the classroom 2
Possibility in the future 1. Do you need CEFR or not? 2. Do you make use of ELP? 3. What do you think about CLIL? 4. Do you have good intercultural communicative competence? 3
Discussion 1.What will happen in Japan? 2.What do you expect will/should happen in teaching and learning English? 3.How should you change the current situations? 4
Presentation Based on discussion with others, show your idea on the future perspectives of language teaching in Japan. 5
Summary CEFR ELP CLIL Intercultural communicative compentence 6