LING507 Linguistics The Nature of Language LECTURE 1: WHAT ıS LANGUAGE & LıNGUıSTıCS? 1 Asst. Prof. Dr. Emrah Görgülü
What is language? Sapir (1921:7) in Language Language is purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols. Mario Pei and Frank Gaynor in A Dictionary of Linguistics Language is a system of communication by sound, through the organs of speech and hearing, among human beings of a certain group or community, using vocal symbols posssessing arbitrary meanings. 2
(Some) Features of Language Language is systematic In natural verbal communication, people can learn and use a language consistently, showing that language is systematic. Language is symbolic Language is a symbolic system in the sense that there is no or little connection between the words that people use and the objects these words refer to. Language is human specific There are certain characteristics of human language that are not found in the communication systems of any other species. 3
What is Linguistics? Every human knows at least one language, spoken or signed. Linguistics is the science of language, including the sounds, words, grammar rules and meaning. Linguistics is the study of language not just particular languages, but the system of human communication. Some of the basic issues of this field are: What is language and how is it organized? How is it analyzed? How are its units discovered and tested? What do all lanuages have in common? How did language originate? What does it have in common with animal communication? How is it different? 4
The core areas of Linguistics Phonetics The study of speech sounds (production, transmission and perception) [d], [θ], [i], [m] Phonology The patterning of sounds in a particular language kleptomania [kl], *lk…..; splint [spl], *lps… / -ng sound (only at the end of a word) Morphology The structure and formation of words How many morphemes does ‘antiestablishmentarian’ have? anti-establish-ment-arian / 4 morphemes 5
The core areas of Linguistics (cont’d) Syntax The study of sentential structure Sue saw the car / Who saw the car? / Who saw what? / *What did who saw? Semantics The study of linguistic meaning The boy ate the hamburger / #The hamburger ate the boy Pragmatics Language in context Can you open the window? / Have you stopped beating your dog? 6
Linguistics and Language Teaching Language teaching usually refers to the teaching of any language, either as a first language, second language or as a foreign language. Both linguistics and language teaching takes language as their subject. Linguistics aims at exploring the general principles upon which all languages are constructed and operate as systems of communication. The achievements of linguistic inquiry can be utilized for effective language teaching. The bridge between linguistics and language teaching is __applied linguistics_______. 7
Linguistics and Language Teaching In what ways does linguistics help the English teacher in the classroom? 8