The Ghana Registered Midwives Association (GRMA) GRMA
OBJECTIVES By the end of this presentation, we should be able to: Know the full meaning of GRMA. History Vision and mission Objectives and aims How to be a member Roles, functions and achievement Benefits to members and students Location and address
Background history of GRMA The Ghana Registered Midwives Association (GRMA) is a professional NGO. It was founded in It is affiliated to the International Confederation of Midwives Council (ICM), a professional association as well as a Non-Governmental Organization. The association is open to all midwives registered with the Nurses and Midwives Council of Ghana (NMC).
VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTS “To create a healthy society for Ghanaian women and their families through quality reproductive health services”. “We seek to provide integrated services that ensure accessibility of total reproductive health care and child survival services to all, especially, women and children through community mobilization and participation in collaboration with all partners in the health delivery system.”
OBJECTIVES OF GRMA Advance the provision of maternal care and develop the role of the midwife as a professional practitioner in her own right. Monitor, evaluate and conduct research into programs embarked on by the Association raise the standard of practice of midwifery in Ghana to the highest level. Promote and protect the interest and welfare of midwives in the practice of their profession. Advise and articulate the opinions and wishes of midwives on matters pertaining to the efficient, orderly and peaceful practice of their profession. Encourage, educate and motivate women and the family to seek professional medical attention
How to be a member One must register as a midwife with a valid license from Nurses and Midwives Council. Registration with GRMA on payment of registration fee of GH¢ Payment of monthly dues of GH¢ Payment of yearly capitation fee of € 5.00 to ICM. And be affiliated to a regional/local branch.
Roles and functions provide safe motherhood clinical skills such as prenatal care, labour/delivery and postnatal care. prevent and manage unsafe abortion and post abortion care. provide education, information and counseling of any kind on topics such as adolescent reproductive health, syndromic management of STDs etc. family planning services and counseling. administer child care/ immunization. primary healthcare
LOCATION AND ADDRESS The midwives house is opposite W.E.B Dubois Centre, near the New American Embassy on the first circular road. H/No. 11B Cantonments- Accra. Contact address: P.O Box GP 147, Accra. Tel: / SLOGAN: ‘WE CARE’.
REFERENCES Maccarty, S. (2013). Perspectives of nursing. Ho. Retrieved April 21, 2014 (2013, April 08). Retrieved May 19, 2014, from Identitiesnc-ghana: (Ghana midwives n.d.). Retrieved April 19, 2014, from Ghana midwives: