Prec: true register_event (WWW04, 17 May 2004, 22 May 2004) Output: success_registration_notification Eff: registered_event = true Prec: true book_plane (Rome, date_leave, New York, date_back) Output: success_plane_booking Eff: booked_plane = true Prec: true book_hotel (hotel_name, New York, date_leave, date_back) Output: success_hotel_booking Eff: booked_hotel = true Prec: true register_event (WWW04, 17 May 2004, 22 May 2004) Output: failure_notification Eff: registered_event = false Danielas eService Prec: true book_plane (Rome, date_leave, New York, date_back) Output: failure_notification Eff: booked_plane = false Prec: true book_hotel (hotel_name, New York, date_leave, date_back) Output: failure_notification Eff: booked_hotel = false the parameters hotel_name, date_leave, date_back are instantiated with valid values
Prec: true register_event (Data Grid Net, 01 June 2004, 02 June 2004) Output: success_registration_notification Eff: registered_event = true Prec: true book_plane (Newark, 01 June 2004, Atlanta, 02 June 2004) Output: success_plane_booking Eff: booked_plane = true Prec: true book_hotel (Marriot, Atlanta, 01 June 2004, 02 June 2004) Output: success_hotel_booking Eff: booked_hotel = true Prec: true register_event (Data Grid Net, 01 June 2004, 02 June 2004) Output: failure_notification Eff: registered_event = false Prec: true book_plane (Newark, 01 June 2004, Atlanta, 02 June 2004) Output: failure_notification Eff: booked_plane = false Prec: true book_hotel (Marriot, Atlanta, 01 June 2004, 02 June 2004) Output: failure_notification Eff: booked_hotel = false Ricks eService
Prec: true book_hotel (hotel_name, Venice, 10 February 2004, 25 February 2004) Output: success_hotel_booking Eff: booked_hotel = true Prec: true book_hotel (hotel_name, Venice, 10 February 2004, 25 February 2004) Output: failure_notification Eff: booked_hotel = false Prec: true register_event (Venice Carnival, start_registr_date, end_registr_date) Output: success_registration_notification Eff: registered_event = true Prec: true register_event (Venice Carnival, start_registr_date, end_registr_date) Output: failure_notification Eff: registered_event = false Marias eService the parameters hotel_name, start_registr_date, end_registr_date are instantiated with valid values Prec: true book_plane (Madrid, 10 February 2004, 25 February 2004) Output: success_plane_booking Eff: booked_plane = true Prec: true book_plane (Madrid, 10 February 2004, 25 February 2004) Output: failure_notification Eff: booked_plane = false