Galileo Galilei ( ) “Here, a simple tube and two lenses had made a rod for beating the Aristotelian” Ronan
Life - Childhood ÞBorn in Pisa, Italy, Feb. 15, 1564 ÞFather- Vincenzo Galilei ÞMusician and Mathematician ÞFormal Education ÞMonastery Santa Maria di Vallombrosa ÞInterests ÞMusic, mathematics, physics, philosophy ÞMedical ÞUniversity of Pisa (1581)
Life - Adulthood Þ Florence without a degree ÞMath Professor ÞUniversity of Pisa (25 years old) ÞUniversity of Padua Þ Studied Astronomy ÞCelestial observations Þ1609(33) - Galileo’s trial Þ Galileo’s death
Accomplishments in Terrestial Physics ÞFounder of Modern Experimental Science ÞMechanical ÞIsochronous motion of pendulum ÞPendulum Clock ÞMilitary Compass ÞParabolic motion of a projectile ÞStrength of materials
ÞInertia ÞLaid Foundation for Newton’s Law of Motion ÞLaw of Falling Bodies ÞDynamics ÞStudied the phenomenon of heat ÞThermometer Accomplishments in Terrestial Physics
ÞTelescope Improvements ÞUpright-image telescope ÞGreatly improved the lenses for better views (better focus) ÞEliminated chromatic aberration problem ÞFirst thirty-times magnification telescopes Accomplishments in the Field of Astronomy
Astronomical Observations ÞCraters & mountains on the moon ÞFour satellites of Jupiter ÞPhases of Venus ÞRings of Saturn ÞIndividual faint stars of Milky Way
Astronomical Conclusions ÞMoon & Celestial bodies ÞNot perfect, smooth bodies ÞSubjected to change and decay ÞCopernican Theory ÞMutable, Heliocentric Universe ÞTheory of Tides
Books Þ“Starry Messenger”(1609) ÞHis celestial observations Þ“The Assayer”(1623) ÞMechanics and comets Þ“Dialogue Concerning The Two Chief World Systems”(1632) Þ“Discourses on Two New Sciences”(1638)
Galileo’s Famous Trial ÞCase of the century (1633) ÞTried by Roman Catholic Church ÞRational ÞPublishing “Dialog on The Two Chief World Systems” ÞDefended Copernican Theory of the Universe ÞStrongly rejected well-accepted Aristotelian Theory
ÞConsequences ÞCharged for heresy ÞProhibited form mentioning the Copernicanism ÞSentenced to life imprisonment within his 70 years old ÞBook was burned Galileo’s Famous Trial
Social & Scientific Influences ÞMost important scientist in the 16th Century ÞStarted the Age of Reasoning ÞGreatly admired & inspiring ÞHis courage for standing against a wrong system of beliefs ÞFather of the Space Age