A Brief History of Classical Physics (Natural Philosophy) Ms. DiVincenzo December, 2006
Aristotle (c. 349 BC) Natural State of motion: rest. Force causes motion. Heavy objects fall faster. Natural State of motion: Circular Earth is the Center of the Universe TERRESTRIAL CELESTIAL
Nicholas Copernicus (1543) Natural State of motion: rest. Force causes motion. Heavy objects fall faster. Natural State of motion : Circular The Sun is the Center TERRESTRIAL CELESTIAL
Johannes Kepler (c. 1610) Earth Motion: Same as Aristotle Planets have elliptical orbits The Sun is the Center TERRESTRIAL CELESTIAL
Galileo ( ) Law of Inertia: Uniform Motion Force causes change in motion All objects fall with the same acceleration Celestial Realm is imperfect Solar System is not unique TERRESTRIAL CELESTIAL
Sir Isaac Newton (1642- ) Quantified Galileo’s ideas Formulated Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion Gave mathematical expression to gravity with the Law of Universal Gravitation Gravity which keeps the Moon in orbit around the Earth is the same force that attracts all objects to Earth.
Sir Isaac Newton (1642- ) Major Philosophical Shift! TERRESTRIAL CELESTIAL Terrestrial and Celestial Motion Obey the same physical laws!! You mean: The same laws of Physics work everywhere!!? They are UNIVERSAL
Albert Einstein (1916) General Theory of Relativity: Explained the cause of gravity through the concept of curved “space-time”
Albert Einstein (1916)..and also stated that: A uniform gravitational field is equivalent to a uniform acceleration. Therefore…. The lady in the elevator Can’t tell if she is on earth At rest or in deep space And accelerating at 9.8 m/s 2 !
The End