JUPITER AARON AND EDWARD JUPITER is the biggest planet of all the other planet. JUPITER is the fifth planet away from the sun.
History GALILCO discovered my planet. WHEN he found it on january 10,160.How did Jupiter form, Jupiter form by method know as core accertion. THE large planet form after the sun came to light and likely had an impact on the formation of other planet in the solar system.
Solar System JUPITER spins very fast and jupiter is not bigger than the sun. GALILCO discovered my planet. JUPITER is the fifth planet away from the sun. HOW far is jupiter from it is 483,800,000 and 778,500,000KM away from the sun. JUPITER 628,743,036KM apart.
Moons JUPITER has 63/67 moons JUPITER has 63/67 moons because all The gravity it has in its planet. LO is the biggest moon that jupiter has. LO is not bigger that jupiter. LO is the biggest moon of all other moons.
Planet appearance JUPITER has a ring around it and its storms are great red. JUPITER storms are bad to be in.
Rings HOW many rings does Jupiter. JUPITER has three thin rings.
Exploration Galilco Galileo spacecraft –launch aboard Space shuttle Atlantis On October 18
Interesting Facts HOW long does jupiter orbit the sun every JUPITER has the fastest rotation of all the planet. IN the solar system completing one rotation on its axis every 9.9 HOURS.
Facts Considered the farther of modern science Galileo Galilei ( ) made major contribution ton the fields of physics, astronomy, cosmology, mathematics and philosophy. He invented an improved telescope that let him observe and describe the moons of jupiter,the rings of saturn the phase of venus sunpots and the ragged lunar surface.
JUPITER is the fifth away from the sun. DID you know that jupiter was made out if core accretion. JUPITER is the biggest planet of all and jupiter has more moons than all the planet.