Our Place In Space Unit Objectives Why study astronomy? How is it organized? How big and how far? What is in our neighborhood? What is there to see in the Universe?
The Value of Astronomy Astronomy the scientific study of the universe –Scientists who study the universe are called astronomers By studying the universe and the objects in it, astronomers have been able to learn more about the origin of Earth and the processes involved in the formation of our solar system. Studies of how stars shine may one day lead to improved or new energy sources on Earth. Astronomers may also learn how to protect us from potential catastrophes, such as collisions between asteroids and Earth.
Early Astronomy Aristotle – 322 B.C. Believed the Earth was the center of the Universe Believed the Celestial Bodies were perfect and divine
Galileo Galilei 1564 – 1642 A.D. Nicholas Copernicus 1473 – 1543 A.D. And over one-thousand years later… Challenged original thought through the use of math, logic, and new technologies such as the telescope. And what they discovered was…
The Earth is NOT the center of it all! It is just one part of what has come to be known as the Solar System