1/18 CMMI Risk Management Jense Seurynck Daan Van Britsom Risk Management
2/18 Risk Management Purpose At least be ready for the problems you can anticipate, so you’ll be able to handle the one’s you can’t. Risk Management
3/18 Risk Management Specific Goals SG 1 Prepare for Risk Management n SP1.1 Determine Risk Sources and Categories One team has decided to divide the risks based on the components. n SP1.2 Define Risk Parameters All the teams use the same (mandatory) categorization for their risks, namely: Very Major, Major… n SP1.3 Establish a Risk Management Strategy Mandatory minimal Risk Management effort. Off the record it is commonly accepted that when a Very Major risk occurs, at least half the team ought to be working on it. Risk Management [1] Trac Risk List [2] Technology Innovation Risk Levels
4/18 Risk Management Specific Goals SG 2 Identify and Analyze Risks n SP2.1 Identify Risks Risks are identified through brainstorming and individual suggestions. n SP2.2 Evaluate, Categorize, and Prioritize Risks Categorization by team knowhow. Prioritization by project impact. Risks are evaluated before and during review sessions. Risk Management [1] Trac Risk List [3] Review Meeting Risk Overview [1] Trac Risk List
5/18 Risk Management Specific Goals SG 3 Mitigate Risks n SP3.1 Develop Risk Mitigation Plans Mitigation plans are developed through brainstorming. People are assigned responsibility for a risk. No contingency plans were found. n SP3.2 Implement Risk Mitigation Plans Every two weeks (review session) the risk status is updated. Risk Management [4] Risk Mitigation Plan [3] Review Meeting Risk Overview
6/18 Risk Management Generic Practices GG 2 GP2.1 Establish an Organizational Policy n The organizational policy had been suggested during the introduction lesson. GP2.2 Plan the Process n One team uses Trac tickets for risks as well as standard tasks. GP2.3 Provide Resources n Powerpoint (all teams) + Trac (1 team) -> “Risk database” Risk Management [2] Technology Innovation Risk Levels [6] Risk Trac Ticket [3] Review Meeting Risk Overview [5] Risk List Template [1] Trac Risk List
7/18 Risk Management Generic Practices GG 2 (2) GP2.4 Assign Responsibility n During the team meetings people are assigned to the different risks. GP2.5 Train People n Some training was provided during the introduction session and Softwaremanagement classes. GP2.6 Manage Configurations n Trac / Powerpoint overview Risk Management [1] Trac Risk List [3] Review Meeting Risk Overview [5] Risk List Template [1] Trac Risk List [3] Review Meeting Risk Overview
8/18 Risk Management Generic Practices GG 2 (3) GP2.7 Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders n Professor Gielen = “Quality assurance team” n Project Supervisor(s) = “Customer(s)” GP2.8 Monitor and Control the Process n One team monitors risk mitigation effort. GP2.9 Objectively Evaluate Adherence n Professor Gielen GP2.10 Review Status with Higher Level Management n Review meetings Risk Management [3] Review Meeting Risk Overview [6] Risk Trac Ticket [3] Review Meeting Risk Overview
9/18 Risk Management Generic Practices GG 3 GP3.1 Establish a Defined Process n Introduction lesson. GP3.2 Collect Improvement Information n Thanks to this exercise all projects receive feedback and are capable of improving the Risk Management activities in their project. Risk Management [this] [5] Risk List Template
10/18 Risk Management Process Assets Risk Management [1] Trac Risk List
11/18 Risk Management Process Assets Risk Management [2] Technology Innovation Risk Levels
12/18 Risk Management Process Assets Risk Management [3] Review Meeting Risk Overview
13/18 Risk Management Process Assets Risk Management [4] Risk Mitigation Plan
14/18 Risk Management Process Assets Risk Management [5] Risk List Template
15/18 Risk Management Process Assets Risk Management [6] Risk Trac Ticket
16/18 Risk Management Findings Strengths n Organisational Risk Management Strategy: Continuously monitoring of risks. Opportunities for Improvement n Automated risk management and alerts. Proposed Actions n Trac risk tickets for effort monitoring + automatically generated warnings if too much effort is being spent. (i.e. The risk is getting out of control.) Risk Management
17/18 Risk Management Glossary CMMICapability Maturity Model Integration RSKMRisk Management Risk Management
18/18 Risk Management References CMMI for Development version Portal for the Software Development Project of Group 1 Portal for the Software Development Project of Group Portal for the Software Development Project of Group Portal for the Software Development Project of Group Risk Management