BULLYING Mandeep Singh Bawa GAISS Volunteer 01/12/08
occurs when one child, or a group of children intentionally makes another child feel miserable or threatened, which results in that child feeling frightened and/or unhappy. Bullying
Types of Bullying Physical bullying - pushing or hitting someone, damaging their things like their clothes, books or bike, stealing from them or forcing them to hand over their belongings. Verbal bullying - name calling, spreading rumors, nasty teasing, threats, insults. Emotional bullying - ignoring or deliberately leaving someone out. Making nasty remarks about someone's family, or home life. Prejudice bullying - bullying someone because they look different (the color of their skin, their religion or their country of origin, they wear glasses, braces, etc..).
We should NEVER do this This is NOT the path that our Guruji’s gave us. We come to this Punjabi School to learn to stay away from this type of behavior. We should be thankful for GAISS.
Who do Bullies pick on ? Often, bullies are bigger kids, so they tend to pick on: Kids they feel are smaller. Kids they think won't stand up to them. Kids that have few friends to stand up for them.
Why do kids Bully? They like power - when you make someone feel bad, you gain power over him or her. They’ve watched their parents or older siblings get their way by being angry or pushing other people around. They are being bullied themself, maybe by another kid or a brother or sister. They want attention. Sometimes they want to impress or entertain their friends. They may be unhappy with something happening in their life. They have been exposed to violence (TV, books, etc..).
What can you do if you are being Bullied ? ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT !! Believe in yourself. Don't accept that bullying is right and don't believe what the bully says. Walk away or stay in a group. You are less likely to be bullied when there are other people around. Don't fight back. You could get blamed. Practice saying "no" or "leave me alone" at home. If someone says, "you are ugly,“ say "thank you". Always walk with confidence. Don't cry, get angry, or show that you're upset. That's the bully's goal. ASK FOR HELP!!! – Parents, teachers, principal, counselors.
How can GAISS help you? We can ONLY help, if YOU talk to us. Visit your schools to educate your classmates/teachers. Assist parents with handling bullying. Provide continual support.
You are NOT alone. We are all together in this, and with GURUJI’S KIRPA, we can HELP each other. Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji ki Fateh !! Remember ----