Rebekah Haithcock Assignment #1- Child Development and Children’s Books Presentation SLIS 5505 Dr. Mayo
Physical Development Between the ages of 5 and 7, many children begin to lose their “baby” teeth. They need to know that this is a natural part of growing up; it’s perfectly normal. Horror stories abound regarding the loss of baby teeth. Adults kid about tying a string to a door and slamming it, or prying it out with a clamp. Children need to know that is not something to fear.
Loose Tooth by Anastasia Suen This is written on the K-2 reading level, right along the time when children will need to learn what to expect from this physical change.
Desired response A child will be drawn to this book once he or she notices that peers are experiencing this change. Ideally, this book should be read to children at age 5, before any of them have to experience it firsthand. A new awareness of changing body, lessened anxiety about the change, and taking on the responsibility of caring for their teeth are behaviors that can be stimulated by this book.
Emotional development The growth of a sense of self or identity is a gradual process. A girl’s sense of identity develops different than that of a boy. The question “Who am I?” is answered through relationships with others. (Carol Gilligan)
Bullies never win by Margery Cuyler Jessica goes through the process of avoiding her bully, telling an authority figure, and then reaching a personal milestone when she stands up for herself, without being unkind.
Desired response Although this book is limited to girls aged 5-8, it provides an excellent example for those girls to identify with. It provides a safe scenario, produces empathy for how it must feel to be bullied, and gives an example to follow of how to handle the situation. It also should deter girls who read this from being bullies themselves, as they see nothing good comes from it.