Equine Assisted Therapy Benefits and exercises to using horses
The Equine Expert Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) consists of two instructors: a horse expert and a therapist. The horse expert is relied on to provide the wellbeing of the horses: providing proper care, noticing physical or psychological changes in each horse, documenting medical and exercise charts, and training the horses’ behaviors to be safe and reliable for the clients
The Therapist The therapist benefits from this type of therapy because it enables the client to be vulnerable with defenses down. They are in an environment other than office walls, and they are encouraged to use their surroundings rather than create defenses. They present their real issues by forgetting how to be fake. Horses don’t let clients lie…
Definition Differences Equine Assisted Psychotherapy = Equine Expert + Therapist. Start with horses, issues surface, then process Equine Assisted Learning = Equine expert with some counseling background. Do exercises with purpose of relationship building, nurturing, building self-awareness Riding Lessons = Equine Expert that teaches basis riding skills
How it works EAP uses analogies and metaphors to let the client be creative and experiential. Learning body language of the horses is imperative to relating it to real life circumstances. Clients learn how to communicate, and to recognize others’ non verbals. Ears pinned: ______________ Ears forward: _____________ Resting leg:________________
Exercise One: “Go get a Horse” “why’d you get that horse?” helps assess client’s personality and abilities without them needing to verbalize them: - personality traits attracted to -other’s traits seem safe / intimidating -Independent vs. ask for help -Problem-solving skills -Frustration tolerance
Exercise Two: “Life’s Little Obstacles” What is biggest struggle RIGHT NOW? (use metaphors…) notice clients approach: –Do you get THROUGH it –OVER it –AROUND it… Alone or Assisted? How work with the horse? Coax, bribe, reassure, give up?
Exercise Three: “Lie Detector” Client focuses on here and now, own safety and balance, not on lying – catch self in lies Equine Expert controls horse’s speed and movement, notices when horse recognizes the lies: –Tail – ears - speed Therapist notices client’s body language: –Weight shift – clinging of legs – eyes – voice - grasp
More information –Canyon Acres is a Premiere Accredited Center, with Certified Instructors –Ground activities and explanation of equine therapy –Exercises of this presentation adapted from Ok Corral An in-depth explanation of equine assisted psychotherapy with personal examples –Emotional benefits of therapeutic riding