Writing Center Hired 2 LTAs to work with Director to Hire tutors Develop and implement training materials Implement default tutoring sequence to enhance consistency of practice among diverse tutors and students Hired receptionist to manage appointments and regulate tutor-student contact 3
The Writing Center Sequence Make an appointment or drop in 4
Fill out a Directed Learning Activity 5
Meet the Tutor Make a tutoring plan based on DLA 6
Use Writing Assignment to Develop Skills 7
Time Management 8
Tutor and Student Complete Session Record 9
The Session Record Form 10
Fill Out the Tutorial Evaluation 11
Writing Center Evaluation Form 12
Evaluation Gives another opportunity to review session Is easy on time and effort Can be used to gather SLO data 13
Records Indicate Success 14
Number of Writing Center Visitors Number of students that used the Writing Center services and the number of times they visited the Center from to SemesterVisitsStudentsSemesterVisitsStudents Fall 20051,035586Spring Fall 20062,5601,059Spring 20072,7991,095 Fall 20073,3141,439Spring 20082, % Difference+220.2%+145.6% Difference+173.5%+89.0% 15
Writing Center Visitors and Visits 2005/ /
Course Completion: All Students Successful course completion rates for users and non-users of the Writing Center Relationship between frequency of visits and successful course completion rate 17 VisitsFall 2006Spring 2007Fall 2007Spring 2008 CountRateCountRateCountRateCountRate Users1, %1, %1, % % Non-Users8, %8, %11, %8, % Difference18.8%17.5%19.8%15.2%
Successful Course Completion All Students 18
Course Completion: Basic Skills Successful course completion rates for users and non- users of the Writing Center Relationship between frequency of visits and successful course completion rate in Basic Skills writing classes only (ENG 65, 80, 100) VisitsFall 2006Spring 2007Fall 2007Spring 2008 CountRateCountRateCountRateCountRate Users % % % % Non-Users % % % % Difference23.5%23.9%19.3%20.1% 19
Successful Course Completion Basic Skills Writing Classes (ENG 65, 80, 100) 20
Tutor Training 21 /sbcc/Jenna01_HQ_4x3.wmv /sbcc/Jenna01_HQ_4x3.wmv
Tutor Training 22 /sbcc/Kay Zare 04_HQ_4x3.wmv /sbcc/Kay Zare 04_HQ_4x3.wmv
Tutoring Practice 23 /sbcc/Yassi 01_HQ_4x3.wmv /sbcc/Yassi 01_HQ_4x3.wmv
GATEWAY TO STUDENT SUCCESS Increasing the Academic Success of First-Year Students
Gateway to Student Success Designed to increase academic success of first- year college students Faculty-driven and faculty-managed Academic Senate approved Campus-wide Implemented Fall
Increase in Number of Gateway Sections SemesterGateway SectionsSuccess Rate Spring % Fall % Spring % Fall % Spring % 26
Gateway Sections for Fall Instructional method G = Gateway
Gateway Center Tutoring Sessions 28
Gateway Directed Learning Activity 29
Successful Course Completion: Gateway Students in Gateway sections achieved a higher course completion rate than students enrolled in comparable non-Gateway sections 30
Successful Course Completion Basic Skills Gateway Classes 31
Successful Course Completion All Gateway Classes 32
THANK YOU Partnership for Student Success at Santa Barbara City College