畢業生就業調查報告 Graduate Employment Survey 2011. 就業狀況 Employment Status 20112010 Unemployed, 7 (1%) Only the pre-service UG and PGDE graduates are counted.


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Presentation transcript:

畢業生就業調查報告 Graduate Employment Survey 2011

就業狀況 Employment Status Unemployed, 7 (1%) Only the pre-service UG and PGDE graduates are counted.

受聘界別 Employment Field Only the pre-service UG and PGDE graduates are counted.

1. 職前教育榮譽學士課程 Pre-service Undergraduate Programmes Employment Status Employed92.3%92.5% Further Studies6.1%5.9% Unemployed0.2%0.6% Not seeking employment1.4%1.0%

1. 職前教育榮譽學士課程 Pre-service Undergraduate Programmes Employment Field (Full-time) Education92.1%92.2% Others7.9%7.8% Mean Monthly SalaryHK$19,535HK$18,201 Primary, Secondary, Language and Science Education HK$20,507HK$18,880 Early Childhood EducationHK$14,262Hk$13,590

1. 職前教育榮譽學士課程 Pre-service Undergraduate Programmes Full-time Teaching Position Primary, Secondary and Language Education Early Childhood Education C.M. / G.M. / A.P.S.M. / Teacher 91.1%86.4%0%0.0% Kindergarten / Nursery Teacher 0.8%1.2%95.9%100% Teaching Assistant / Supply Teacher / Shared Teaching Post 4.6%9.2%2.7%0.0% Others*3.5%3.2%1.4%0.0% Other teaching posts include teaching posts in tertiary institutions, instructors or tutors of tutorial centers and learning centers etc.

1. 職前教育榮譽學士課程 Pre-service Undergraduate Programmes Types of School Nursery / Kindergarten16.8%9.5% Primary School32.8%40.7% Secondary School41.2%34.9% Through-train School2.3%3.7% Special School5.3%8.9% Tertiary Institution / Learning Centre / Tutorial Centre / Others 1.5%2.3%

2. 學位教師文憑課程 Postgraduate Diploma Programmes Employment Status Employed97.4%96.8% Further Studies1.3%0.9% Unemployed0.6%1.8% Not seeking employment0.6%0.5%

2. 學位教師文憑課程 Postgraduate Diploma Programmes Employment Field (Full-time) Education94.6%93.9% Others5.4%6.1% Mean Monthly SalaryHK$20,600HK$18,636

2. 學位教師文憑課程 Postgraduate Diploma Programmes Full-time Teaching Position C.M. / G.M. / A.P.S.M. / Teacher88.2%85.4% Kindergarten / Nursery Teacher0%0.0% Teaching Assistant / Supply Teacher / Shared Teaching Post 5.2%7.3% Others*6.6%7.3% Other teaching posts include instructors or tutors of tutorial centres and learning centres etc.

2. 學位教師文憑課程 Postgraduate Diploma Programmes Types of School Nursery / Kindergarten0%0.6% Primary School43.4%41.7% Secondary School44.9%41.7% Through-train School1.5%5.2% Special School8%7.4% Tertiary Institution / Learning Centre / Tutorial Centre / Others 2.2%3.4%

畢業生就業調查報告 Graduate Employment Survey 2011