Objectives Of The Presentation Brief overview of our campus size, advising model and staffing Why the need for early freshman advising Strategies utilized to increase freshman advising during the first year Assessment
Located in Camarillo, California (approximately one hour from Santa Barbara) 23 rd Cal State University California State University Channel Islands
Growth Of The Campus Opened doors to transfer students fall 2002 Opened doors to freshman students Fall 2003 Celebrating 10 years! Approximately 5,000 students
Academic Advising Professional Staff Director of Academic Advising & Learning Support Assistant Director of Academic Advising 5 Full-time Professional Advisors 1 Administrative Support Coordinator 5 Peer Advisors 3 Student Assistants 1 Graduate Intern Per Semester
Highly effective academic advising is critical to student retention leading to degree completion Concentrated our efforts in the following areas: Early Communication – Prior to Orientation Orientation (IVO) Connections -Professional Advisors/Peer Advisors Strategies to increase advising connections during crucial first year Goal: Enhance and Increase Freshman Advising First Year
Hobson from Admissions – Welcome to CI – Intro to Advising Staff – Explains group advisement and advising connections during Orientation – How registration will take place Fall 2012 Added on-line homework assignments to Early Communication prior to IVO Students came to IVO better prepared Early Communication
Island View Orientation Two-Day mandatory Orientation Facilitated two workshops (first day) – Students registered on the second day Build schedule and Schedule Check – Students registered at home
Professional and peer advisors assist with schedule build Encourage students to enroll in University 100 Utilize first semester course suggestions Promote the STAR appointment as next step in the advising process Island View Orientation
University 100 Promotion Promoted during Island View Orientation Flyer in Orientation Packet First Semester Course Suggestions Promoted during the Parent Session
First Semester Course Suggestions Maps out a plan for the first semester Lists University 100 as a suggested course on all major sheets #1 tool to use in selecting first courses Easy for students and peer advisors to follow during schedule build session A key reference to take home for review before registering on-line
Summer Strategies Fall 2012 students registered at home for the first time After IVO – We checked schedules – Goal: all freshmen full time and in appropriate courses Two Weeks during the summer students returned to the campus to meet with Peer and Professional Advisors one-on-one (phone appts. available as well) Eliminated much of the add/drop activity during the first few weeks of the semester
Importance Of Freshman Advising During The First Two Terms During Orientation Freshman students are on information overload – How much do they really remember about advising and requirements?? Goal established – To bring as many freshmen in for Advising Sessions during 1 st term – Students are more likely to retain information – Students are more likely to stay in contact with advising throughout the academic journey – Students are less likely to make mistakes with future course selections
Targeted the following: University 100 STAR appointments Increase the Availability of freshmen STAR Appointments Peer Advising Connection with Professional Advisors Delivery of Services Strategies to Increase Connections During Academic Year
Advising Collaboration with University % Enroll in University 100 Professional Advisors encouraged to teach a course A Peer Advisor is assigned to each course Major assignment is to complete the STAR Appointment
Star Appointment Set the foundation for the advising experience Review the Advising Syllabus (both student and PA sign) Review GE/Major advising forms Brief explanation of the CI Academic Requirements Report Begin the foundation for the educational plan Begin the process of selecting spring schedule Conclude with importance of Advising Portfolio Student completes evaluation of session Advisor places notes in AdvisorTrac
Consistent Advising Through Star Appointment √ List Academic Affairs Contract Advising Contract Inform student about faculty advising – encourage mentoring relationship with faculty Review advising brochure advising/islandcompass.htm
Student Leaves STAR APPT With Plan For Next Semester Documents courses suggested by advisor Reinforces some general planning tips & grad requirements Reinforces faculty advising No need for student to return for advising once the schedule is out
Professional Advisors VS Peer Advisors… That is the ? IVO– Professional Advisors lead workshops to assist students with basic understanding of degree requirements and schedule building Once the semester begins – Professional advisors spend more time with transfer students and continuing students with more complex advising issues Peer Advising came on board to meet the demands for additional freshman advising
Strong Dependence on Peer Advising for the First Year Peer Advising is compatible with all advising delivery models Tight Budgets – expansion of advising units Peer advisors working with appropriate advising tasks free up professional advisors for more complex advising appointments Provides students with professional growth and leadership opportunities Students informally advise students – why leave it to chance? (formalize the program)
CI Freshmen population growing each year Freshmen connect briefly with professional advisors during orientation Outcome: – Freshmen losing connection with Professional Advisors once term starts Is it possible for Professional Advisors to Connect with Freshmen in a Meaningful Way?
STAR Week Workshop Plan Fall 2011 a plan was developed to engage professional advisors with freshmen during the first semester – Decision was made to offer group workshops for Freshmen – Cover all information in one-on-one advising session
STAR Week Fall 2011 Professional Advisors facilitated 6 workshops a day for a week Limited to 10 students Held in Conference Room with laptops Peer Advisors on–hand to assist with course selections for Spring 2012
STAR WEEKS FALL 2012 Due to Success of Fall 2011 STAR Week Advising will be offering two weeks Oct 1-5 October Now offering sessions in our own workshop room located in the Advising Center Most sessions are not specific to major – Piloting 5 most popular major sessions
PROMOTION OF STAR WEEKS sent to all freshmen Posters All TV Screens on campus University 100 assignment
STAR Week Evaluation
STAR Week Results 185 students attended 163 Evaluations completed – I understand the advising structure at CI and know what is expected of me as the student in the advising process (52% strongly agree and 45% agree) – The advising portfolio I received will be useful in understanding CI major and graduation requirements (64% strongly agree 33% agree) – After completing the STAR session, I know how to select my Spring 2012 classes (58% strongly agree and 37% agree) – My overall impression of the academic advising I received during this STAR session was a positive one (61% strongly agree and 37% agree)
Professional Advisors facilitate Transfer STAR appointments for the rest of the semester Peer Advisors continue to meet with freshmen students for one-on-one STAR appointments for the remaining academic year STAR Appointment Format for the Remaining Year
Peer Advisor Assessment Results 238 Surveys My Peer Advisor was willing to spend sufficient time with my issues and concerns. (95% strongly agree and 5% agree) My Peer Advisor was well informed of other campus services and referred me to the appropriate Department/Office. (If applicable) (86% strongly agree and 7% agree) My Peer Advisor was approachable and easy to talk to (95% strongly agree and 4% agree) My overall impression of the Advising Center is positive. (92% strongly agree and 8% agree)
Peer Advisor Assessment “ My appointment was very helpful! I have a strong idea as to how I will plan my next few years at CSUCI.” “My Peer Advisor was very friendly and helped me with the information I required and much more. The advising she gave me was overall very effective.” “Gave me so much information! Reassured me I made the right choice for my education by picking Channel Islands. ” “Ellen was very easy to talk to and a great resource for me to figure out my path for the future. It was a great experience! Thank you!”
Advising Not Mandatory – Proactive Strategy To Bring In The Remaining Freshmen! Fall semester campaign to all students not enrolled in University 100 Second semester – campaign – Peer Advisor – Focus on this strategy Spring Semester
STAR APPOINTMENT ASSESSMENT End of the Spring Semester – 77% of Freshmen completed a STAR appointment 57% of the Freshmen met one-on-one with Peer Advisors 41% attended our first “STAR WEEK” group Star Appointment 2% of the freshmen met one-on-one with a Professional Advisor
STAFFING AND DELIVERY OF SERVICES STAR Appointments – One Hour General Appointments – half-hour Walk-in Tuesday and Wednesdays – Two Advisors Follow the STAR…Leads to all advising services
Question And Answer Session Contact Information: – Sue Saunders, Director of Academic Advising and Learning Support – –