Exploring the arts as a catalyst for healing & therapy
Art therapy= idea is that creative self- expression is therapeutic for everyone, including those who have a mental illness or impairment.
A disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of a person's major life activities (for example, caring for one's self, speaking, breathing, or learning). A disability need not be obvious; such conditions as learning disabilities, psychological illnesses, asthma, or infection with HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) may qualify as disabilities under the law. What is yours?
Impressionism : Impressionist art is a style in which the artist captures the image of an object as someone would see it if they just caught a glimpse of it. They paint the pictures with a lot of color and most of their pictures are outdoor scenes. Their pictures are very bright and vibrant. The artists like to capture their images without detail but with bold colors Academism: is a style of painting and sculpture produced under the influence of European academies and universities, especially in France, where many artists received their artistic training. Academic art is characterized by a highly polished style, use of mythological or historical subject matter, and its moralistic tone. Academic paintings look professional, very skilful, and almost real.
Art Therapy Helps Children Cope with disability Faces of Therapy Faces of Therapy
This section focuses on art therapy activities, exercises, interventions, lessons, games, and a variety of actionable and introspective ways to actively incorporate art therapy into your life. This activity is based on the idea of transformational therapy a nd art therapy for life changes. People tend to go through many changes and transformations in life. These changes can really run the gamut, but it’s important to reflect on our experiences and how they affect one’s self…whether it be our self-esteem or self-image, our self-confidence or self-doubt, our mental and emotional health, etc.
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