Reproduction and Development reproductivesystem/reproductives ystem/
The reproductive system allows for the production of offspring and the continuation of human life.
Sexual reproduction Reproduction in which two sex cells join to form a unique individual.
Puberty The time of life when sex organs become mature.
Hey Tim, what’s puberty? ductivesystem/puberty/
Let’s ask Tim and Molby ductivesystem/fertilizationandbirth/
Now let’s get the anatomy of males reproductive system Testes- make the sperm and testosterone.
Testosterone The main hormone produced by the testes that controls the development of physical characteristics in mature men.
Sperm Sex cell produced by a male.
Vas deferens The tube where sperm is mixed with fluids to make semen.
Epididymis Tube containing sperm attached to a testicle: a coiled tube attached to the back and upper side of the testicle that stores sperm and is connected to the vas deferens.
Seminiferous tubules One of two or three twisted, curved tubules in each lobule of the testis in which spermatozoa develop.
Semen A mixture of sperm and fluids.
Penis The male reproductive organ that transfers semen into the female’s body during sexual intercourse.
Female reproductive system Ovaries- produces eggs.
Egg Sex cell produced by a female.
A mass of amphibian eggs
Ovulation The process in which a developed egg is ejected through the ovary wall.
Menstruation The monthly flow of blood from the uterus beginning at puberty in girls and other female primates.
Period. Do you mean like a punctuation mark? Let’s ask Tim.
Fallopian tube The tube that leads from an ovary to the uterus.
Uterus Female organ where a zygote grows and develops.
Vagina The passageway that receives sperm during sexual intercourse.
Progesterone a hormone, that prepares the uterus for the fertilized ovum and maintains pregnancy.
Estrogen Hormones produced chiefly by the ovaries and the development of female secondary sex characteristics.
Cervix Lower end of the uterus that extends into the vagina.
Internal fertilization Fertilization of an egg by sperm that occurs inside the body of the female.
Amnion A thin, tough, membranous sac that encloses the embryo or fetus of a mammal, bird, or reptile.
Amniotic fluid the watery fluid in the amnion, in which the embryo is suspended.
Now let’s see the baby film ductivesystem/babies/
Zygote A fertilized egg.
Implantation The process in which an embryo imbeds itself in the lining of the uterus.
Placenta An organ that provides a developing fetus with nutrients and oxygen from the mother.
Embryo An organism in the earliest stage of development.
Fetus An embryo during the later stages of development with the uterus.
Umbilical cord A cord that connects the embryo to the placenta.