Welcome Back Monday January 6, 2014 Bell-Ringer What topics did we cover between the first day of school and Winter break?? What was the best part of your.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome Back Monday January 6, 2014 Bell-Ringer What topics did we cover between the first day of school and Winter break?? What was the best part of your winter break?? (not being at school can’t be the best part so think of something!)

Topics we have covered… Geography Ancient Civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, China) World Religions Greece The Roman Empire The Middle Ages

Ancient River Valley Civilizations Review Unit #1 As we go through the powerpoint follow along with your notes. Highlight anything you need extra support on!

Pre-history Pre-historic = before written records Two periods of pre-history to know –Paleolithic –Neolithic

Pre-history Paleolithic –(Old) Stone age period Stone primary material for tools –Hunter-gathers –Nomadic lifestyle

Pre-history Neolithic Age –(New) stone age Stone still primary tool material Agriculture Domestication of animals Some settlement Some nomadic groups

Paleolithic Age Neolithic Age 1 st Agricultural Revolution

Neolithic Age Develop Civilization People Start to Settle

Civilization A form of culture, characterized by cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record-keeping and advanced technology

Civilization To be a civilization, society must have a majority of these: –CitiesSpecialized labor –GovernmentScience & tech –ReligionArt –TaxesSocial classes –Written language

River valley Civilizations Tigris & Euphrates Nile River Valley Huang He River Valley

Tigris & Euphrates Located in modern Iraq Known as Mesopotamia (land between 2 rivers) Known as Fertile Crescent Look for the only green in the brownish Middle east on the map Rivers empty into Persian Gulf

Tigris & Euphrates The geography does not help –Unpredictable flooding –No natural barriers to invasion –Plenty of fresh water for farming and drinking –Access to trade/travel & cultural diffusion –Silt deposited by rivers

Tigris & Euphrates Geography does not help, but problems solved –For defense, walls of mud bricks were built –Trade of grain, cloth and tools brought in natural raw materials like stone, wood and metal

Tigris & Euphrates Main crops grown were barley & wheat Surpluses produced led to development of different civilizations in the region

Tigris & Euphrates Sumer –Polytheism –Run by soldiers –Temples called Ziggurats –Invented sail, plow, wheel & 1 st to use bronze –Developed geometry & arithmetic

Tigris & Euphrates Sumer –Developed arches, columns, ramps –Developed cuneiform (wedge writing in wet mud which was allowed to dry)

Tigris & Euphrates Babylon –Based on Euphrates river –Empire hit peak under Hammurabi –Hammurabi ’ s Code

Tigris & Euphrates Hammurabi ’ s Code –Needed single, unified code of law to unify people –Written in stone –Placed throughout the empire –“ eye for an eye ” –Law applied to everyone, but applied differently to men/women & rich/poor

Nile River Valley Geographic Issues –Floods predictably (develop calendar) –River deposits silt on banks –Access to travel/trade –Grow papyrus (turn into paper) –River flows north into Mediterranean Sea –Egyptians forced to live close to river (little cultural diffusion)

Nile River Valley Egypt = “ gift of the Nile ” Without the river there is no Egyptian civilization Silt very fertile Desert very harsh Irrigation ditches to water crops Surpluses led to civilization

Nile River Valley Egypt –Polytheism Kings (pharaohs were god-kings) Egyptian government was theocracy (based on religious teaching/rules)

Nile River Valley Egypt –Pyramids were actually tombs for pharaohs –Pharaohs were mummified –Bodies dried and preserved for use in the afterlife

Nile River Valley Egypt –Writing developed called hieroglyphics Glyphs are symbols/pictures First written on stone Hieroglyphics written on early paper made from papyrus

Nile River Valley Egypt –Developed very accurate calendar –Developed arithmetic & geometry –First to use stone columns –Developed early medical procedures for broken bones, wounds & fevers

Huang He River Valley China ’ s geography has isolated it Chinese developed belief that China was the center of the Earth & source of all civilization China to south & southwest surrounded by Gobi Desert & Himalaya mountains

Huang He River Valley China ’ s history began in Huang He Valley People learned to farm during the Neolithic Age The yellow soil particles in the river give it its name “ Yellow ” Also known as “ China ’ s Sorrow ” because of the unpredictable flooding

Huang He River Valley The flooding is due in part to the loess in the water that raises the level of the river Flooding has often been disastrous First Chinese in the valley to develop were the Shang Zhou overthrew the Shang Developed Mandate of Heaven idea

Huang He River Valley Mandate of Heaven says that the gods allowed a dynasty to rule until that dynasty got old & corrupt New dynasty was given new Mandate of Heaven to over throw old This changing of dynasties is called the Dynastic Cycle

Huang He River Valley By 1000 BC Chinese had develop silk production Chinese also produced first books under the Zhou Also produced porcelain, writing, coined money and cast iron

Final Thoughts How are these groups similar? How are they different? What did they contribute to the world? What impact did geography have on each society?