Unresolved issues for the observations paper 1.CO 2 effects on SSU channels (details; how does this work for the off-nadir x-channels?) 2. Weighting functions for 36x, 47x 3.Remaining differences between SSU15x and radiosondes 4.Are we happy with longer term radiosondes? 5.Ditto for SSU vs HALOE and lidar 6.Need to decide on synthesis points
unadjusted SSU CO 2 adjusted SSU
monthly sampling for SSU27
seasonal comparisons for lidar and SSU47x
Recent cooling of tropical tropopause echoed in stratospheric water vapor decreases stratospheric water vapor from HALOE satellite tropical tropopause temperatures r=.72 Randel et al., JGR, 2006
Anomalies originate near the tropical tropopause, and propagate coherently with time Deseasonalized anomalies
global ozone anomalies WMO 2006
A stratospheric ozone profile data set for : variability, trends, and comparisons with column ozone data Randel and Wu, JGR, 2007
Key points (for synthesis) Lower stratosphere: 1.Improved understanding of data uncertainties 2.good agreement between MSU4 and radiosondes, if stations with jumps are omitted. 2.lower stratosphere trends are relatively flat vs. latitude 3.strong polar cooling in spring and summer (well known) 4.SSU15x shows systematic differences vs. sondes (and MSU4) (very little cooling in tropics disagrees with other data) 5.Long-term trends show cooling in all data sets, but the magnitude varies. Estimates from data omitting radiosondes with jumps are perhaps best.
Middle/Upper stratosphere: 1.Discussion of SSU data and uncertainties 2.CO 2 changes are important for SSU trends 3.CO 2 adjusted SSU data show trends increase monotonically from lower to upper stratosphere. 4. Temperature changes are not monotonic: volcanoes and step-like changes. Temps have been relatively constant for Remarkable time variations near stratopause: strong cooling for , warming thereafter (minimum for ). 6. Little latitudinal variation below stratopause. Largest cooling at polar latitudes for SSU47x (but WF changes vs. latitude). 7. Reasonable agreement between SSU and HALOE ( ), and between SSU and lidars (but a lot of sampling variability in lidar data). 8. Solar cycle evident throughout tropical stratosphere.