Points and Suspensions
HOW TO LOSE DRIVING PRIVILEGES: Failure to appear in court or to pay fines Failure to pay surcharges Driving while suspended Failure to provide proof of insurance Physical or mental disqualification Drug or alcohol use Repeated traffic law violations Reckless driving (without regard to life or property) Vehicle abandonment on a public highway at fault in a fatal accident
**Violation: Failure to obey driving rules and regulations.
Points are given for MOVING VIOLATIONS : Pages 126 – 127 in the NJ Driver Manual –Speeding: 1 – 14 mph over limit: 2 pts. 15 – 29 mph over limit: 4 pts. 30 or more mph over limit: 5 pt –Tailgating: 5 pts. –Failure to give proper signals: 2 pts. –Leaving scene of accident: No personal injury: 2 pts. Personal injury: 8 pts.
Improper Passing: turnpike, Parkway, AC Expressway: 4 pts. Racing on highway: 5 pts. Reckless driving: 5 pts. Improper passing of a school bus: 5 pts. Improper right or left turn: 3 pts. Failure to yield at an intersection: 2 pts. Improper passing on right or off roadway ( shoulder: 4 pts. Failure to yield to an overtaking vehicle: 2 pts.
operating a vehicle on a public or private property to avoid a traffic control signal or sign: 2pts
“THE POINT SYSTEM” 12 or more points within 2 years: will receive Notice of Scheduled Suspension. After receiving notice, motorists can: Attend a NJ driver improvement program Request a hearing Surrender the driver license for the suspension period
HOW TO REMOVE POINTS from license (never goes below zero) driver improvement program: 3 points. (Can take class once every 5 years) violation or suspension free for a year :up to 3 points
PROBATIONARY DRIVER: For 2 years beginning when receive permit
PROBATIONARY DRIVER: WITH 2 OR MORE VIOLATIONS WITH A TOTAL OF 4 OR MORE POINTS Must enroll in Probationary Driver Program (Fee $100) Will receive 3 point reduction Will be on a 1 year test period –One or more violations during test period
DRIVING RECORD (after March 1974) All violations stay on your record for life
Work License: There are NO work licenses issued in NJ.
Habitual Offender: 3 DLS within 3 years may lose license for up to 3 years.
Restoration: The return of the driving privilege after it has been suspended and once all requirements for return of driving privilege have been met