Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University1 Name of App Tagline (80 chars max, including spaces) Team member names and schools/years Team member s
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University2 (Name of App) What is it? What makes it innovative?
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University3 The problem What problem does the app solve? Why is that an important problem?
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University4 (Add descriptive title) Use the next set of slides to describe your app. Use images/storyboarding with key sketches of paper prototype screens
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University5 (Add descriptive title) On all slides, do not change this font or use a smaller font size Do not change the slide style or background. Focus on content! Use EXACTLY 20 slides
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University6 (Add descriptive title) Do not put too much text on any given slide You only have 20s per slide!
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University7 (Add descriptive title) Images are strongly preferred to text when they can be used to illustrate a concept But, avoid gratuitous clip art
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University8 (Add descriptive title) Do not put text or images on the slide that people will not have time to read
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University9 (Add descriptive title) When you present, you will stand near the screen (both team members, if there are two of you) These slides will advance automatically after 20s, no matter what
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University10 (Add descriptive title) If you do not practice And practice At least 3 times, you will get behind your slides and it will be painful to watch
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University11 Competition Show key screenshots of 2-3 top competitors to your app
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University12 Innovation Explain how your app is innovative relative to one or more of the competitors Be as specific as you can
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University13 Innovation What is particularly new and exciting about your approach?
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University14 Mobile experience How do you take advantage of the unique capabilities of phones or their unique usage patterns?
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University15 Design challenge(s) What are the greatest design challenges your team must overcome?
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University16 Design challenge(s) What are the greatest design challenges your team must overcome?
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University17 Technical challenge(s) What do you think is the greatest challenge for your team in terms of implementation?
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University18 Technical challenge(s) What do you think is the greatest challenge for your team in terms of implementation?
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University19 Research paper Identify one paper/reading (from anywhere, not just those we have read so far) that has or might influence the design of your app... How?
Mobile Application Design and Development Your App Name Northeastern University20 (Name of your app) Summarize what your app does and why it will be a killer app