Les nombres Par Jean, Rachel et Charlotte Par Jean, Rachel et Charlotte
70’s »To say 70 you add ten to sixty »Soixante-dix or is 70 »Because you are adding you wouldn’t add 60, 10, and 1 to get 71. You would add 60 and 11. Don’t forget the “et.” This is the last number to use “et.” »Soixante et onze is 71 »Soixante-douze is 72; is 72 » What is soixante-dix-huit? »78 »To say 70 you add ten to sixty »Soixante-dix or is 70 »Because you are adding you wouldn’t add 60, 10, and 1 to get 71. You would add 60 and 11. Don’t forget the “et.” This is the last number to use “et.” »Soixante et onze is 71 »Soixante-douze is 72; is 72 » What is soixante-dix-huit? »78
70’s cont. »What are these numbers:? »soixante et onze »71 »soixante-quinze »75 »soixante-dix-neuf »79 »What are these numbers:? »soixante et onze »71 »soixante-quinze »75 »soixante-dix-neuf »79
80’s »Unlike the 70’s with adding in the 80’s we multiply. »Quatre-vingts (notice the s) is 80; it’s 4-20’s (notice the s) »81- Quatre-vingt-un(there is no s AND there is no “et”) »Quatre-vingt(no s)-huit would be? »88 »Unlike the 70’s with adding in the 80’s we multiply. »Quatre-vingts (notice the s) is 80; it’s 4-20’s (notice the s) »81- Quatre-vingt-un(there is no s AND there is no “et”) »Quatre-vingt(no s)-huit would be? »88
More of the 80’s »What do you drop from 80 when you get 84? »The s - quatre-vingts, but and quatre-vingt-quatre (no s) »What is... »86 »Quatre-vingt-six »89 »Quatre-vingt-neuf »What do you drop from 80 when you get 84? »The s - quatre-vingts, but and quatre-vingt-quatre (no s) »What is... »86 »Quatre-vingt-six »89 »Quatre-vingt-neuf
90’s »To say 90 you say 80 but you add 10 - it is 4 20s and 10 »Quatre-vingt-dix is 90. »To say Qautre-vingt-onze is 91 (there is no “et”) »Quatre-vingt-treize is? »93 »Quatre-vingt-seize is? »96 »To say 90 you say 80 but you add 10 - it is 4 20s and 10 »Quatre-vingt-dix is 90. »To say Qautre-vingt-onze is 91 (there is no “et”) »Quatre-vingt-treize is? »93 »Quatre-vingt-seize is? »96
More 90’s »What would 90 be? »Quatre-vingt-dix »Say these? »99 »Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf. »97 »Quatre-vingt-dix-sept. »What would 90 be? »Quatre-vingt-dix »Say these? »99 »Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf. »97 »Quatre-vingt-dix-sept.
Review on
100’s »To say hundred you say “cent” »The numbers in the 100’s do not have “un” before them. »For example: »cent is 100 »115 is cent quinze »T»To say hundred you say “cent” »T»The numbers in the 100’s do not have “un” before them. »F»For example: »c»cent is 100 »1»115 is cent quinze
100’s »You can put a number in front of cent. »Trois cents would be 300. »700 would be? »sept cents »Y»You can put a number in front of cent. »T»Trois cents would be 300. »7»700 would be? »s»sept cents
More 100’s »What would 600 be? »Six cents »When you add more 10 digit numbers you take off the s. »643 is six cent quarante-trois. »378 is trois cent soixante-dix-huit. »909 is neuf cent neuf. »What would 600 be? »Six cents »When you add more 10 digit numbers you take off the s. »643 is six cent quarante-trois. »378 is trois cent soixante-dix-huit. »909 is neuf cent neuf.
The Thousands The Thousands »To say a thousand you say “mille” »You put a number in front of it with no hyphens. »1,000 would be mille (there is never any s) »To say a thousand you say “mille” »You put a number in front of it with no hyphens. »1,000 would be mille (there is never any s)
Thousands Thousands »Deux mille is 2,000. »Six mille is 6,000. »Cinq mille six cent soixante-dix- sept is 5,677. »You can also put tens and hundreds in front of mille, too. »For example: »Deux cent trente-trois mille un would be 233,001. »Deux mille is 2,000. »Six mille is 6,000. »Cinq mille six cent soixante-dix- sept is 5,677. »You can also put tens and hundreds in front of mille, too. »For example: »Deux cent trente-trois mille un would be 233,001.
Mille »Say these aloud: »30,027 »Trente mille vingt-sept »2,000 »Deux mille »525,600 »Cinq cent vingt-cinq mille six cents »Say these aloud: »30,027 »Trente mille vingt-sept »2,000 »Deux mille »525,600 »Cinq cent vingt-cinq mille six cents
1,000,000 1,000,000 »Million is million or millions »It’s the same as hundreds and thousands - you add the first digit to million. »If it has un before it or it has something after it doesn’t have an s but for 2,000,000 it has an s. »Un million is 1,000,000. »Deux millions is 2,000,000 »Million is million or millions »It’s the same as hundreds and thousands - you add the first digit to million. »If it has un before it or it has something after it doesn’t have an s but for 2,000,000 it has an s. »Un million is 1,000,000. »Deux millions is 2,000,000
Millions More »1,675,543 would be un million (no s) six cent soixante-quinze mille cinq cent quarante-trois. »If you think about it you just divide it up into millions, thousands, and hundreds and put them together. » What would 2,000,001 be? »Deux million un »1»1,675,543 would be un million (no s) six cent soixante-quinze mille cinq cent quarante-trois. »I»If you think about it you just divide it up into millions, thousands, and hundreds and put them together. » What would 2,000,001 be? »D»Deux million un
Review on 70-2,000, , ,267 1,001, ,543 8,675,309 50,096