Adding Details
Take out the notebook that is inside of your desk.
Take out a pencil.
Follow these directions. 1.You will find a spot in the room to sit on the floor. 2.You will not sit next to anyone. 3.You will not talk as you are finding a spot. 4.You will wait for Miss Udell’s direction to find the spot. 5.When you get there you will remove one shoe.
Yes! You will remove one shoe. When Miss Udell gives the signal you will write as many sentences as you can that describe your shoe.
For example.. My shoe is black. My shoe has a ribbon on top. I got my shoe at Target. My shoe has a worn, gray sole. My shoe is tan inside. You can see three of my toes when I’m wearing it.
Remember… You are walking to a spot without talking. You are taking your notebook and a pencil. You will wait for Miss Udell’s directions to begin. You will not leave your spot until Miss Udell gives you directions to return to your seat.
Are you ready?
You may walk to your spot.
You may begin writing your list.
Adding Details You may share your sentences with friends in our classroom until the timer goes off. When it does you must return immediately to your seat.
Adding Details How did you come up with so many details?
Adding Details What can you do to add more details to the writing your doing in writers workshop?
Adding Details 1. Choose 1 idea in your writing. 2. Focus on it. Use your binoculars to take a closer look. 3. Think of lots of words to describe that idea. 4. Choose the most interesting one.