SALEIE - WP5 – POLICY AFTER DAY 2 CESME TURKEY MAY 2014 Dorian Cojocaru University of Craiova, Romania CESME WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW
CESME WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW Six participants from Malta meeting: Romania (Dorian, Antoanela, Gheorghe), Malta (Ernest), Turkey (Bahar), Norway (Carsten), and UK (Tony). - One colleague from Czech Republic: Tomas Zeman. -Today arrived two of our collegues, from Greece (Giorgios), France (Olivier). - Other participants from Malta meeting: Poland (Piotr), Belgium (Joseph), Slovenia (Marian) – we will ask their help too.
CESME WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW We maintain the decision to split the task concerning the report for best practice examples in four parts corresponding to the following countries areas: - Hard core of EU, - New members from Central and Eastern Europe, - Like UK teaching system (UK, Ireland and Malta), - Non EU members.
CESME WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW - Before this meeting I received individual reports from Izmir Bachar Karaoglan, Gheorghe Livint, Ernest Cachia, Antoanela Naaji and Carsten Hhelgesen. - I elaborate my self a study case (Bachelor in Romania) that I sent to the participants to WP5 in Malta – to use it like an example.
CESME WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW Using the suggestions received before the meeting from Tony Ward, we decide to produce reports (few pages each) focussing on the following items: 1. Programme creation, 2. Programme change, 3. Partnerships with other academic institutions, 4. Student placements, 5. Engagement with industry.
We decide to continue by producing (Dorian, Antonella, Gheorghe) one example of report regarding Romania and bachelor + master + doctoral studies. This report will be sent individually to our colleagues asking them to produce something similar (few pages) concerning their country: - Tomas (CZ), Nina (BG), Jana (SK) and Marian (SL) – East EU, - Carsten (N), Jean-Marc (F), Joseph (B), Giorgios (GR), Olivier (F) – Hard Core EU, - Ernest (MT) – Like UK, - Bahar (TR) – Non EU. The assembled four reports (Dorian, Carsten, Ernest, Bahar) must be ready before the York meeting – deadline 20th of August. CESME WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW
CESME WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW First day we worked together, having Tony as manager, to produce a template for a programme “definition”. This will be another deliverable for WP5 and a connection with WP3. The second day we start to produce something similar for a module. We concluded that this type of document already exist in EU!!!!! We proposed one paper regarding WP5 to ITHET.
THANK YOU !! CESME WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No LLP UK-ERASMUS-ENW